List of Electrochemistry Proceedings Volumes

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This compilation contains more than 1,000 electrochemistry proceedings volumes of meetings, symposia, workshops, etc, on electrochemical science, engineering, and technology published in book format in English since 1950. Proceedings are occasionally published as special issues of scientific journals, some of those are also included. Lately, many proceedings are available only in digital format (like most of the Transactions of the Electrochemical Society), those are not included.

The volumes are listed in chronological order by year of publication, and in alphabetical order by title for each year. The compilation can be viewed in its entirety or by year. If you wish, you can also carry out a keyword search of this file.

The collection is complete till 2014. Further items will be added only after the Society appoints a new editor.

See also compilations of electrochemistry books and review chapters.


1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


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Electrical double layer (From a Meeting of the Faraday Society, Faraday Society Transactions No. 47)
Faraday Society, London 1950.

Proceedings of the 37th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Boston, Massachusetts, June 12-15, 1950)
G. Soderberg, H.J. Read, and M. Glover (Ed), The Society, Jenkintown, PA 1950.


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Proceedings of the 38th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Buffalo, New York, July 30 - Aug. 2, 1951)
G. Soderberg, H.J. Read, and D.G. Foulke (Ed), The Society, Jenkintown, PA 1951.


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International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (3rd meeting, Berne, Switzerland, 1951)
C. Manfredi (Ed), Milan 1952.


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Electrochemical constants (From a National Bureau of Standards Semicentennial Symp. NBS Circular 524, Washington, Sept. 19-21, 1951)
NBS, Washington 1953.

Electrodeposition research (From a National Bureau of Standards Semicentennial Symp. NBS Circular 529, Washington, Dec. 4-6, 1951)
NBS, Washington 1953.

Polarography (1st Int. Congr. Vol. 1-3, Prague, Czech Republic, 1951)
Prirodovedecke vydavatelstvi, Prague, and Pergamon, New York 1953.

Proceedings of the 39th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Chicago, Illinois, June 16-19,1952)
D.G. Foulke and H.J. Read (Ed), The Society, Jenkintown, PA 1953.


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Battery research and development (8th Ann. Conf. May 25-26, 1954)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1954.

Proceedings of the 41st Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (New York, July 12-15, 1954)
P.P. Kovatis (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1954.


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Battery research and development (9th Ann. Conf. May 18-19, 1955)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1955.

Cathodic protection (Conf. US Army Corps of Eng. Washington, March 30 - April 1, 1955)
Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington 1955.

Electrodeposition and metal finishing (4th Int. Conf. London, England, April 21-24, 1954)
International Council for Electrodeposition and Metal Finishing, Institute of Metal Finishing, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, Vol. 31, London 1955.

International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (6th meeting, Poitiers, France, 1954)
Butterworths, London 1955.

Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Cleveland, Ohio, July 20-23, 1955)
P.P. Kovatis and A. Doria (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1955.


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Battery research and development (10th Ann. Conf. May 23-24, 1956)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1956.

Paper electrophoresis (Ciba Foundation Symp. London, July 27-29, 1955)
G.E.W. Wolstenholme and E.C.P. Millar (Ed), Little-Brown, Boston 1956.

Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Washington, June 17-21, 1956)
A. Doria and A.M, Panico (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1956.

Properties, tests, and performance of electrodeposited metallic coatings (From the Buffalo National Meeting, Buffalo, New York, Febr. 29, 1956, and the 2nd Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 19, 1956 of the American Society for Testing Materials, ASTM Special technical publication No. 197)
ASTM, Philadelphia 1956.


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Battery research and development (11th Ann. Conf. May 22-23, 1957)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1957.

International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (7th meeting, Lindau, Germany, 1955)
Butterworths, London 1957.

pH measurement (From the fifty-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, NJ, June 19, 1956, ASTM special technical publication 190)
American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia. PA 1957.

Proceedings of the 44th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Montreal, Canada, June 17-20, 1957)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1957.


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Battery research and development (12th Ann. Conf. May 21-22, 1958)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1958.

Charge transfer processes (Symp. U. Toronto, Sept. 4-5, 1958)
Chemical Institute of Canada, Toronto 1958.

General questions on electrochemical kinetics and the reaction mechanism of electrochemical reduction (From the 4th Soviet Conf. Oct. 1-6, 1956)
Consultants Bureau, New York 1958.

International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (8th meeting, Madrid, Spain, 1956)
Butterworths, London 1958.

Modern electroanalytical methods (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, CITCE, Paris, 1957)
G. Charlot (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1958.

Proceedings of the 45th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Cincinnati, Ohio, May 19-22, 1958)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1958.


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Control in electroplating: a one-day symposium (London, Nov. 1958)
Institute of Metal Finishing, Draper, Teddington, UK 1959.

Electrodeposition and metal finishing (5th Int. Conf. Golden Jubilee Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society, Detroit, Michigan, June 15-19, 1959)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1959.

Electroless nickel plating (From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM Special technical publication No. 265)
ASTM, Philadelphia 1959.

International Committee of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (9th meeting, Paris, France, 1957)
Butterworths, London 1959.

pH and blood gas measurement: methods and interpretation (London, 1958)
R.F. Woolmer (Ed), Little, Brown, Boston 1959.

Power sources (13th Ann. Conf. April 28-30, 1959)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1959.

The structure of electrolytic solutions (From the 111th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, 1957)
W.J. Hamer (Ed), Wiley, New York 1959.


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Advances in polarography (2nd Int. Cong. Vol. 1-3, Cambridge, 1959)
I.S. Longmuir (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1960.

Electrodeposition and metal finishing (Karaikudi, India, Dec. 27-28, 1957)
India Section, the Electrochemical Society, Bangalore 1960.

Fuel cells (From the 136th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, NJ, Sept. 1959)
G.J. Young (Ed), Reinhold, New York 1960.

Power sources (14th Ann. Conf. May 17-19, 1960)
U.S. Army, Fort Monmouth, NJ 1960.

Proceedings of the 47th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Los Angeles, California, July 24-28, 1960)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1960.

Surface chemistry of metals and semiconductors (From an Electrochemical Society Meeting, Columbus, OH, October 19-21, 1959)
H.C. Gatos (Ed), Wiley, New York 1960.


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Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes
M.V. Smirnov, A.N. Baraboshkin, and S.F. Pal'guev (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1961.

Electrode processes (From the 115th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 4-6, 1959)
E. Yeager (Ed), Wiley, New York 1961.

Nickel-chromium plating: a one-day symposium (London, Nov. 1960)
Institute of Metal Finishing, Draper, Teddington, UK 1961.

Power sources (15th Ann. Conf. May 9-11, 1961)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1961.

Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Boston, Massachusetts, June 18-23, 1961)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1961.

Soviet electrochemistry (4th Conf. Oct. 1-6, 1956)
Vol. I, Kinetics and polarography
Vol. II, Oxidation and reduction
Vol. III, Applied
A.N. Frumkin (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1961.


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Anodising aluminium (anodizing aluminum) (Nottingham, UK, Sept. 12-14, 1961)
Aluminium Development Association, London, 1962.

Electroforming: applications, uses, and properties of electroformed metals (From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Dallas, TX, Febr. 6-7, 1962, ASTM Special technical publication No. 318)
ASTM, Philadelphia 1962.

Electrolytes (Trieste, Italy, June 1959)
B. Pesce (Ed), Pergamon, Oxford 1962.

Power sources (16th Ann. Conf. May 22-24, 1962)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1962.

Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 24-28, 1962)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1962.


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Batteries (3rd Int. Symp. Bournemouth, UK, Oct. 1962)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1963.

Finishing of aluminum (From a Meeting of the American Electroplaters' Society)
G.H. Kissin (Ed), Reinhold, New York 1963.

Fuel cells (From a Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE symposium series)
AIChE, New York 1963.

Fuel cells, Vol. II (From the 140th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Sept. 1961)
G.J. Young (Ed), Reinhold, New York 1963.

Power sources (17th Ann. Conf. May 21-23, 1963)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1963.

Proceedings of the 50th Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 23-27, 1963)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1963.


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Gel electrophoresis (New York, Dec. 2-3, 1963)
J.F. Fredrick (Ed), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 121, Art.2, 1964.

Electrodeposition and metal finishing (6th Int. Conf. Detroit, MI, 1964)
International Council for Electrodeposition and Metal Finishing, Institute of Metal Finishing, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, Vol. 42, London 1964.

Power sources (18th Ann. Conf. May 19-21, 1964)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1964.

Proceedings of the 51st Annual Convention of the American Electroplaters' Society (St. Louis, Missouri, June 15-18, 1964)
R. Leeds (Ed), The Society, Newark, NJ 1964.


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Anodized aluminum (From a meeting of American Society for Testing and Materials, Cleveland, OH, 1965, ASTM Special technical publication No. 388)
ASTM, Philadelphia 1965.

Batteries 2 (4th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1964)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1965.

Cell electrophoresis (Symp. of the British Biophysical Society)
E.J. Ambrose (Ed), Little-Brown, Boston, and Churchill, London 1965.

Electrochemistry (Symp. Delhi, India, 1961)
National Institute of Sciences of India, New Delhi, 1965.

Electrochemistry (1st Australian Conf. Sydney, Febr. 13-15, 1963, and Hobart, Febr. 18-20, 1963)
J.A. Friend and F. Gutmann (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1965.

Electrometallurgy of chloride solutions (5th All-Union Seminar on Applied Electrochemistry, 1962)
V.V. Stender (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1965.

Fuel cell systems (From the 145th and the 146th Meetings of the American Chemical Society, New York, Sept. 12-13, 1963, and Philadelphia, PA, Apr.6-7, 1964, Advances in chemistry series 47)
G.J. Young and H.R. Linden (Ed), ACS, Washington 1965.

Hydrocarbon fuel cell technology (From the 150th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, NJ, Sept. 13-15, 1965)
B.S. Baker (Ed), ACS, Academic, New York 1965.

The kinetics of proton transfer process (From a Meeting of the Faraday Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, Apr. 12-14, 1965, Faraday Society Discussions, No. 39)
Faraday Society, London 1965.

Power sources (19th Ann. Conf. May 18-20, 1965)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1965.

Theory and practice of chromium electroplating
A T Vagramian and N.T. Kudriavtsev (Ed), Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1965


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Chemical physics of ionic solutions (From the 125th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, May 4-6, 1964)
B.E. Conway and R.G. Barradas (Ed), Wiley, New York 1966.

Fuel cells; their electrochemical kinetics (2nd Conf. Moscow, 1962)
V.S. Bagotsky and Y.B. Vasilev (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1966.

Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Vol. 3
A.N. Baraboshkin (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1966.

Electrode processes (Invited papers from the 129th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cleveland, OH, May 1-6, 1966)
ECS, New York 1966.

Electrode processes (Jodhpur, India, 1966)
R.C. Kapoor and B.P. Sinha (Ed), University of Jodhpur, India 1966.

IECEC-66 (1st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Sept. 1966)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 1966.

Polarography 1964 (3rd Int. Cong. Southampton, July, 1964, 2 volumes)
G.J. Hills (Ed), Macmillan, London, and Interscience, New York 1966.

Power sources (20th Ann. Conf. May 24-26, 1966)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1966.


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Electrochemical processes (From a Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami, FL, April 9-14, 1967)
E. Yeager (Ed), ACS, Washington 1967.

Electrochemical processes and the energy states of electrons (Symp. Schloss Elmau, Germany, April 23-29, 1967)
H. Gerischer (Ed), CITCE, 1967.

Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Vol. 4, Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrode processes
A.N. Baraboshkin, S.F. Pal'guev, and H. Wroblowa (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1967.

Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Vol. 5, Physicochemical properties of electrolytes and electrode processes
A.N. Baraboshkin and H. Wroblowa (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1967.

Electrode processes (From the 129th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cleveland, OH, May 1-6, 1966)
E. Yeager, H. Hoffmann, and E. Eisenmann (Ed), ECS, New York 1967.

Electrolytic rectification and conduction mechanisms in anodic oxide films (From the 131st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Dallas, TX 1966, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 67-1)
P.F. Schmidt and D.M. Smyth (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1967.

IECEC-67 (2nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1967)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 1967.

Power sources (21st Ann. Conf. May 16-18, 1967)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1967.

Power sources 1966 (5th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1966)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1967.

Regenerative EMF cells (From the 149th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Detroit, Apr, 8-9, 1965, Advances in chemistry series 64)
C.E. Crouthamel and H.L. Recht (Ed), ACS, Washington 1967.


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Bioelectrodes (New York Academy of Sciences, June 6-7, 1966, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 148, art. 1)
W. Feder (Ed), New York Academy of Sciences, New York 1968.

Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Vol. 6, Structure and properties of electrolytes and kinetics of electrode processes
A.N. Baraboshkin and H. Wroblowa (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1968.

Electrode reactions of organic compounds (From a Meeting of the Faraday Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, Apr. 2-4, 1968, Faraday Society Discussions, No. 45)
Faraday Society, London 1968.

Electromotive force measurements in high-temperature systems (Nuffield Research Group, Imperial College, London, April 13-14, 1967)
C.B. Alcock (Ed), American Elsevier, New York 1968.

IECEC-68 (3rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1968, 2 volumes)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1968.

Lead-acid batteries (Calcutta, India, Nov. 27-28, 1968)
Indian Lead Zinc Information Centre, Calcutta 1968.

Power sources (22nd Ann. Conf. May 14-16, 1968)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1968.


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Chromatography and electrophoresis (5th Int. Symp. Brussels, Sept. 16-18, 1968)
Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI 1969.

Dielectrophoretic and electrophoretic deposition (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 69-2)
H.A. Pohl and W.F. Pickard (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1969.

Fuel cell systems II (5th Bien. Symp. From the 154th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Sept. 12-14, 1967, Advances in chemistry series 90)
B.S. Baker (Ed), ACS, Washington 1969.

Electrochemistry (2nd Australian Conf. Melbourne, 1968)
R.W. Cattrall (Ed), Butterworths, Sydney 1969.

IECEC-69 (4th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1969)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 1969.

Ion-selective electrodes (Reviews based on a Symp. at NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Jan. 30-31, 1969, NBS Special Publication 314)
R.A. Durst (Ed), National Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1969.

Plating in the electronics industry (2nd Symp. Boston, Febr. 6-7, 1969)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1969.

Power sources (23rd Ann. Conf. May 20-22, 1969)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1969.


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Electrical methods of machining, forming, and coating (Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, March 17-19, 1970)
Institution of Electrical Engineers, London 1970.

Electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Vol. 8, Mechanism and kinetics of electrode processes
S.F. Palguev and H. Wroblowa (Ed), Consultants Bureau, New York 1970.

Electrodeposition of metals (From the 10th Lithuanian Conf. of Electrochemists, Vilnyus, Lithuania, Dec. 12-13, 1968)
Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1970.

Fundamentals of electrochemical machining (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 70-4)
C.L. Faust (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1970.

IECEC-70 (5th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Sept. 1970, 2 volumes)
American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, IL 1970.

Power sources (24th Symp. May 19-21, 1970)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1970.

Power sources 2 (6th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1968)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1970.


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Biological aspects of electrochemistry (1st Int. Symp. Rome, Italy, May 31 - June 4, 1971)
G. Milazzo, P.E. Jones, and L. Rampazzo (Ed), Birkhauser, Basel 1971.

Chromatography and electrophoresis (6th Int. Symp. Brussels, Sept. 14-16, 1970)
Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI 1971.

IECEC-71 (6th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1971)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1971.

Power sources 3 (7th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1970)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Oriel, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 1971.

Plating in the electronics industry (3rd Symp. Palo Alto, CA, 1971)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1971.

Zinc-silver oxide batteries (From the 134th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, Oct. 1968)
A. Fleischer and J.J. Lander (Ed), Wiley, New York 1971.


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Batteries for traction and propulsion (Columbus, Ohio, March 7-8, 1972)
R.L. Kerr, J. McCallum, and D.E. Semones (Ed), Electrochemical Society, Columbus Section, 1972.

Electrochemical contributions to environmental protection (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 72-2)
T.R. Beck, C.G. Enke, O.B. Cecil, J. McCallum and S.T. Wlodek (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1972.

Electrochemistry (12th Seminar, Karaikudi, India, March 25-27, 1972)
Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 1972.

From electrocatalysis to fuel cells (Seminar held at Battelle Seattle Research Center)
G. Sandstede (Ed), U. of Washington, Seattle, WA 1972.

IECEC-72 (7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Sept. 1972)
American Chemical Society, New York 1972.

Power sources (25th Symp. May 23-25, 1972)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1972.


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Advanced instrumental methods in electrode kinetics (Lecture notes for the Summer School)
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 1973.

Electrochemical bioscience and bioengineering (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 73-4)
H.T. Silverman, I.F. Miller, and A.J. Salkind (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1973.

Electrochemical engineering (3 volumes, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, March 30 - April 1, 1971)
J.D. Thornton (Ed), Institution of Chemical Engineers, London 1973.

Electrochemical technology, IEEE intercon technical papers, Vol. 4 (International Convention and Exposition, March 26-30, l973)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1973.

Electrodeposition and surface finishing (8th Congr. of the International Union for Electrodeposition and Surface Finishing, Basel, Sept. 5-9, 1972)
N. Ibl (Ed), Forster, Z�rich 1973.

Electrodeposition of coatings (From the 161st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 31 - April 1, 1971, Advances in chemistry series 119)
E.F. Brewer (Ed), ACS, Washington 1973.

Fast ion transport in solids: solid state batteries and devices (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Belgirate, Italy, Sept. 5-15, 1972)
W. van Gool (Ed), North Holland, Amsterdam, and American Elsevier, New York, NY 1973.

IECEC-73 (8th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1973, 2 volumes)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 1973.

Ion-selective electrodes (Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 23-25, 1972)
E. Pungor (Ed), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1973.

Isoelectric focusing and isotachophoresis (New York, May 17-19, 1972, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 209)
N. Catsimpoolas (Ed), New York Academy of Sciences, New York 1973.

Marine electrochemistry (From the 142nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 8-13, 1972, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 73-2)
J.B. Berkowitz, R. Horne, M. Banus, P.L. Howard, M.J. Pryor, G.C. Whitnack, and H.V. Weiss (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1973.

Oxide-electrolyte interfaces (From the 142nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 8-13, 1972, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 72-1)
R.S. Alwitt (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1973.

Plating in the electronics industry (4th Symp. Indianapolis, IN)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1973.

Power sources 4 (8th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1972)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Oriel, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 1973.


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Applied electrochemistry (From the 24th International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 2-8, 1973)
Butterworths, London 1974.

Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics (2nd Int. Congr. Pont-a-Mousson, Oct, 1-5, 1973)
Birkhauser, Basel 1974.

Biomedical electrode technology: theory and practice (Conf. Stanford University, September, 1973)
H.A. Miller and D.C. Harrison (Ed), Academic, New York 1974.

Chlorine bicentennial symposium (From the 145th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 12-17, 1974, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 74-2)
T.C. Jeffrey, P.A. Danna, and H.S. Holden (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1974.

Corrosion problems in energy conversion and generation (From the 146th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New York, Oct. 15-17, 1974, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 74-3)
C.S. Tedman (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1974.

Decorative plating (Symp. of American Electroplaters' Society, Dearborn, MI, 1974)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1974.

Electrical methods of machining, forming, and coating (Nov. 18-20, 1975, IEE Conference Publication, No. 133)
Institution of Electrical Engineers, London 1975.

Electrocatalysis (From the 145th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 12-17, 1974, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 74-4)
M.W. Breiter (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1974.

Electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel (1st Small Conf. of the Blue Fingers, Tubingen, Oct. 6-7, 1972)
R.C. Allen and H.R. Maurer (Ed), Gruyter, New York 1974.

IECEC-74 (9th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1974)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 1974.

Intermediates in electrochemical reactions (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Oxford, Sept. 18-20, 1973, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 56)
Chemical Society, London 1974.

Ion-selective microelectrodes (Worksh. Boston U. 1973)
H.J. Berman and N.C. Hebert (Ed), Plenum, New York 1974.

Power sources (26th Symp. Apr. 29 - May 2, 1974)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1974.

Quantum mechanical aspects of electrochemistry (2nd Int. Summer School, Ohrid, Yugoslavia July 9-19, 1972)
P. Kirkov (Ed), Center for Application of Radioizotopes and Science and Industry, Skopje, Yugoslavia 1974.

Thermodynamical and molecular approach to electrified interphases and electrode processes (1st Japan-USSR Seminar on Electrochemistry, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 7-10, 1974)
Denki Kagaku Kyokai, Japan 1974.


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Chemistry and physics of aqueous gas solutions (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 72-2)
W.A. Adams, G. Greer, G.S. Kell, J.E. Desnoyers, K.B. Oldham, G. Atkinson, and J. Walkley (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1975.

Electrical methods of machining, forming, and coating (Institution of Electrical Engineers, Nov. 18-20, 1975)
Institution of Electrical Engineers, London 1975.

IECEC-75 (10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1975, 2 volumes)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1975.

Isoelectric focusing (Conf. in 1973)
J.P. Arbuthnott and J.A. Beeley (Ed), Butterworths, London 1975.

Manganese dioxide (1st Symp. Cleveland, OH 1975)
A. Kozawa and R.J. Brodd (Ed), I. C. Sample Office, Cleveland, OH 1975.

Plating in the electronics industry (5th Symp. New York, March 24-25, 1975)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1975.

Power sources 5 (9th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1974)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Academic, New York 1975.

Progress in isoelectric focusing and isotachophoresis (3rd Int. Symp. Milan, Italy, Sept. 2-5, 1974)
P.G. Righetti (Ed), North-Holland, Amsterdam 1975.

Properties of electrodeposits; their measurement and significance (From the 146th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New York, Oct. 14-17, 1974, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 74-5)
R. Sard, H. Leidheiser, and F. Ogburn (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1975.


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Bioelectrochemistry (3rd Int. Symp. Jeulich, Germany, Oct. 27-31, 1975)
Birkhauser, Basel 1976.

Electrocatalysis on non-metallic surfaces (Wkshop, Gaithersburg, MD, Dec. 9-12, 1975, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 455)
A.D. Franklin (Ed), NBS, Washington 1976.

Electrocoating (Chemical Coatings Conf., Cincinnati, OH, April 22, 1976)
National Paint and Coatings Association, Washington 1976.

Electrode processes in solid state ionics (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Ajaccio, Corsica, Aug. 28 - Sept. 9, 1975, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 25)
M. Kleitz and J. Dupuy (Ed), Reidel, Boston 1976.

Energy storage (From the 148th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Dallas, Oct. 1975, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 76-2)
J. Berkowitz and H.P. Silverman (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1976.

Fundamentals of applied electrochemistry (From a Meeting of the Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology, in honor of K.S.G. Doss, Bangalore, India, Nov. 8-9, 1975)
Transactions of the SAEST, Vol. 11, No. 1, Karaikudi 1976.

High temperature high pressure electrochemistry in aqueous solutions (The University of Surrey, UK, Jan. 7-12, 1973)
D.G. Jones and R.W. Staehle (Ed), National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston 1976.

IECEC-76 (11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Sept. 1976, 2 volumes)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 1976.

Ion and enzyme electrodes in biology and medicine (Int. Worksh. Schloss Reisenburg, Germany, Sept. 15-18, 1974)
M. Kessler(Ed), University Park Press Baltimore 1976.

Molten salts (1st Int. Symp. From the 149th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May, 1976, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 76-6)
J. Braunstein, D.R. Morris, K. Nobe, and N.E. Richards (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1976.

Power sources (27th Symp. June 21-24, 1976)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1976.

Tinplate (1st Int. Conf. London, Oct. 5-8, 1976)
International Tin Research Institute, Greenford, Middlesex, UK 1976.


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Diaphragm cells for chlorine production (City University, London, June 16-17, 1976)
Society of Chemical Industry, London 1977.

Electrochemical studies of biological systems (From the 172nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Aug. 1976, ACS symposium series 38)
D.T. Sawyer (Ed), ACS, Washington 1977.

Electrochemical techniques for corrosion (From Corrosion/76, Meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, March 22-26, 1976)
R. Baboian (Ed), NACE, Houston 1977.

Electrochemistry, the past thirty and the next thirty years, a volume in honor of J. O'M. Bockris (Imperial College, London, Apr. 3-6, 1975)
H. Bloom and F. Gutmann (Ed), Plenum, New York 1977.

Electrode materials and processes for energy conversion and storage (1st Symp. From the 151st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 9-12, 1977, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 77-6)
J.D.E. McIntyre, S. Srinivasan, and F.G. Will (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1977.

Electrofocusing and isotacophoresis (Int. Symp. Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 2-4, 1976)
B.J. Radola and D. Graesslin (Ed), Gruyter, Berlin 1977.

IECEC-77 (12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Aug. 1977, 2 volumes)
American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, IL 1977.

Ion-selective electrodes (2nd Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 18-21, 1976)
E. Pungor and I. Buzas (Ed), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1977.

Load leveling (From the 152nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, Oct. 1977, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 77-4)
N.P. Yao and J.R. Selman (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1977.

Molten salt electrolysis in metal production (Int. Symp. Grenoble, France, Sept. 19-21, 1977)
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London 1977.

Plating in the electronics industry (6th Symp. Chicago, March 9-10, 1977)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1977.

Power sources 6 (10th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1976)
D.H. Collins (Ed), Academic, New York 1977.

Semiconductor liquid-junction solar cells (Airlie, VA, May 3-5, 1977, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 77-3)
A. Heller (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1977.

Solid ionic conductors and ionic-electronic conductors (Int. Symp. Rome, Italy, Sept. 1-3, 1976)
R.D. Armstrong (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1977.

Solid state chemistry of energy conversion and storage (From a Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Advances in chemistry series 163)
J.B. Goodenough and M.S. Whittingham (Ed), ACS, Washington 1977.

Special topics in electrochemistry (From the 172nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Aug. 1976)
P.A. Rock (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1977.

Trends in electrochemistry (4th Australian Conf. Flinders, SA, Febr. 16-20, 1976)
J.O'M. Bockris, D.A.J. Rand, and B.J. Welch (Ed), Plenum, New York 1977.


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Bioelectrochemistry (4th Int. Symp, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, Oct. 2-8, 1977)
Birkh�user, Basel 1978.

Cell electrophoresis: clinical application and methodology (1st Int. Symp. Bristol, UK, June 12-15, 1979)
A.W. Preece and D. Sabolovic (Ed), North-Hollan, Amsterdam 1979.

Electric vehicle development (Int. Conf. May-31 - June 1, 1977)
Electric Vehicle Development Group, Peregrinus, London 1977.

Electrocrystallisation, nucleation, and phase formation (Faraday Symp. of the Chemical Society, No. 12, University of Southampton, 1977)
Faraday Division, Chemical Society, London 1978.

Electrophoresis '78 (1st Int. Conf. Cambridge, MA, Apr. 19-21, 1978)
N. Catsimpoolas (Ed), Elsevier North Holland Biomedical, New York 1978.

Electromachining – technique of the future: secure this future through international cooperation (Int. Symp. Wolfsberg, Switzerland 1977)
International Institution for Production Engineering Research, 1977.

IECEC-78 (13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. San Diego, CA, Aug. 20-25, 1978, 2 volumes)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1978.

Industrial water electrolysis (From the 153rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, May 21-26, 1978, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 78-4)
S. Srinivasan, F.J. Salzano, and A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1978.

Ion-selective electrodes (Symp. Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 5-9, 1977)
E. Pungor and I. Buzas (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1978.

Modern trends in cell electrophoresis with particular regard to immunological tumour diagnostic (Dresden, Germany, March 12-16, 1978)
M. Muller (Ed), Carus-Akademie, Dresden, Germany 1978.

Passivity of metals (4th Int. Symp. Warrenton, VA, Oct. 17-21, 1977)
R.P. Frankenthal and J. Kruger (Ed), The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, NJ 1978.

Power sources (28th Symp. 1978)
PSC, Red Bank, NJ 1978.

Power sources (2nd Natl. Conf. Meeting of the Society for Advancement Of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Bombay, India, Nov. 25-26, 1977)
SAEST, Karaikudi 1978.

Selected topics in the history of electrochemistry (Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 78-6)
G. Dubpernell and J.H. Westbrook (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1978.

Spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of solute species in nonaqueous solvents (From the 172nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 31 - Sept. 1, 1976))
G. Mamantov (Ed), Plenum, New York 1978.


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Battery design and optimization (From the 154th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Pittsburgh, Oct. 15-20, 1978, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 79-1)
S. Gross (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1979.

Coulometric analysis (Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 17-19, 1978)
E. Pungor (Ed), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1979.

Electrocatalysis of fuel cell reactions (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 79-2)
W.E. O'Grady, S. Srinivasan, and R.F. Dudley (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1979.

Electro-organic synthesis technology (From a Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE symposium series No. 195, Vol. 75)
M. Krumpelt, E.V. Wiesmann, and R. Alkire (Ed), AIChE, New York 1979.

Fast ion transport in solids: electrodes, and electrolytes (Int. Symp. Lake Geneva, WI, May 21-25, 1979)
P. Vashishta, J.N. Mundy, and G.K. Shenoy (Ed), North Holland, New York 1979.

IECEC-79 (14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Boston, Aug. 5-10, 1979, 2 volumes)
American Chemical Society, New York 1979.

Plating in the electronics industry (7th Symp. Francisco, CA, Jan. 16-17, 1979)
American Electroplaters' Society, East Orange, NJ 1979.

Power sources (3rd Natl. Conf. Meeting of the Society for Advancement Of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Bangalore, India, March 15-16, 1979)
SAEST, Karaikudi, 1979.

Power sources 7 (11th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1978)
J. Thompson (Ed), Academic, New York 1979.

Recent developments in chromatography and electrophoresis (9th Int. Symp. Riva del Garda, Italy, May 15-17, 1978)
A. Frigerio and L. Renoz (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1979.


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Biochemical and biological applications of isotachophoresis (Int. Symp. Baconfoy, May 4-5, 1979)
A. Adam and C. Schots (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1980.

Bioelectrochemistry (U.S.-Australia Joint Seminar on Bioelectrochemistry, Pasadena, CA, July 9-12, 1979)
H. Keyzer and F. Gutmann (Ed), Plenum, New York 1980.

Bioelectrochemistry: ions, surfaces, membranes (From the 176th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Sept. 11-14, 1978, Advances in chemistry series 188)
M. Blank (Ed), ACS, Washington 1980.

Electroanalysis in hygiene, environmental, clinical and pharmaceutical chemistry (Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol. 2)
W.F. Smyth (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1980.

Electrode processes (3rd Symp. From the 155th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, May 6-11, 1979, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 80-3)
S. Bruckenstein, B. Miller, J.D.E. McIntyre, and E. Yeager (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1980.

Electrophoresis '79 (2nd Int. Conf. Munich, Oct. 15-17, 1979)
B.J. Radola (Ed), Gruyter, New York 1980.

Energy considerations in electrolytic processes (University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, July 1-3, 1980)
Society of Chemical Industry, London 1980.

IECEC-80: Energy to the 21st century (15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Seattle, WA, Aug. 18-22, 1980, 3 volumes)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 1980.

Light metals 1980 (From the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Las Vegas, NV, Febr. 24-28, 1980)
C.J. McMinn (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1980.

Lithium nonaqueous battery electrochemistry (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, June 4-6, 1980, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 80-7)
E.B. Yeager (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1980.

Materials for advanced batteries (NATO Conf. Aussois, France,Sept 9-14, 1979, NATO Conf. Series VI, Materials science Vol. 2)
D.W. Murphy, J. Broadhead, and B.C.H. Steele (Ed), Plenum, New York 1980.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 1 (From a Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry)
M.O. Coulter (Ed), Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK 1980.

Non-traditional approaches to the study of the solid-electrolyte interface (Snowmass, CO, Sept. 24-27, 1979)
T.E. Furtak, K.L. Kliever, and D.W. Lynch (Ed), Surface Science, Vol. 101, 1980.

Plating on difficult-to-plate metals (AES Symp. New Orleans, LA, Oct. 30-31, 1980)
American Electroplaters' Society, Winter Park, FL 1980.

Power sources (29th Conf. June 9-12, 1980)
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1980.

Power sources for biomedical implantable applications, and ambient temperature lithium batteries (From the 156th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, Oct. 14-19, 1979, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 80-4)
B.B. Owens and N. Margalit (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1980.

Recent developments in chromatography and electrophoresis (10th Int. Symp. Venice, Italy, June 19-20, 1979)
A. Frigerio and M. McCamish (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1980.


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Analytical isotachophoresis (2nd Int. Symp. Eindhowen, Sept. 9-11, 1980, Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol.6)
F.M. Everaerts, F.E.P. Mikkers, and T.P.E.M. Verheggen (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1981.

Cell electrophoresis in cancer and other clinical research (2nd Worksh. Bristol, UK, May 26-29, 1981)
A.W. Preece and P.A. Light (Ed), Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical, New York 1981.

Chemical metallurgy–a tribute to Carl Wagner (Symposium on Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry, Chicago, 1981)
N.A. Gokcen (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1981.

Conductive polymers (From the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent, Las Vegas, NV, Aug. 26-27, 1980)
R.B. Seymour (Ed), Plenum, New York 1981.

Corrosion and corrosion protection, honoring H.H. Uhlig on his seventy-fifth birthday (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-8)
R.P. Frankenthal and F. Mansfeld (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Electrochemical corrosion testing (From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, May 21-23, 1979, ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 727)
F. Mansfeld and U. Bertocci (Ed), ASTM, Philadelphia 1981.

Electrocrystallization (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-6)
R. Weil and R.G. Barradas (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Electrophoresis '81: advanced methods, biochemical and clinical applications (3rd Int. Conf. Charleston, SC, Apr. 7-10, 1981)
R.C. Allen and P. Arnaud (Ed), Gruyter, New York 1981.

Electroplating and metal finishing (Natl. Conf. New Delhi, India, Dec. 1978)
National Productivity Council, New Delhi 1981.

Fast ionic transport in solids (Gatlinburg, TN, May 18-21, 1981)
J.B. Bates and G.C. Farrington (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 5, 1981.

Fundamentals of electroplating and metal finishing (Loughborough, UK, 1980, Surface Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1)
J.P.G. Farr (Ed), Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne 1981.

IECEC-81: Technologies for the transition (16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Atlanta, GA, Aug. 9-14, 1981, 3 volumes)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 1981.

Ion exchange–transport and interfacial properties (From the 158th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 6-9, 1980, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-2)
R.S. Yeo and R.P. Buck (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Ionic liquids (From a Conf. of the Electrochemistry and Molten Salts Discussion Groups of the Chemical Society, Oxford, UK, July, 1978)
D. Inman and D.G. Lovering (Ed), Plenum, New York 1981.

Ion-selective electrodes (3rd Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 13-15, 1980, Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol. 8)
E. Pungor (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1981.

Ion-selective microelectrodes and their use in excitable tissues (Prague, July 8-11, 1980.)
E. Sykova, P. Hnik, and L. Vyklicky (Ed), Plenum, New York 1981.

Lithium batteries (From the 158th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 6-9, 1980, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-4)
H.V. Venkatasetty (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Manganese dioxide (2nd Symp. Tokyo, Japan 1980)
B. Schumm, H.M. Joseph, and A. Kozawa (Ed), I. C. Sample Office, Cleveland, OH 1981.

Molten salts (2nd Int. Symp. From the 154th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Pittsburgh, Oct. 15-20, 1978, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-10)
J. Braunstein and J.R. Selman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Molten salts (3rd Int. Symp. From the 158th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 6-9, 1980, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 81-9)
G. Mamantov, M. Blander, and G.P. Smith (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1981.

Photoelectrochemistry (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Oxford, Sept. 8-10, 1980, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 70)
Chemical Society, London 1981.

Photoeffects at semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces (From the 179th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Houston, TX, March 25-26, 1980, ACS symposium series 146)
A.J. Nozik (Ed), American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 1981.

Photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Ghent, Belgium, NATO ASI Series B, Physics Vol. 69)
F. Cardon, W.P. Gomes, and W. Dekeyser (Ed), Plenum, New York 1981.

Plating in the electronics industry (8th Symp. Phoenix, AZ, Jan. 20-21,1981)
American Electroplaters' Society, Winter Park, FL 1981.

Power sources 8 (12th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1980)
J. Thompson (Ed), Academic, New York 1981.

Progress in enzyme and ion-selective electrodes (Dortmund, July 28-30, 1980)
D.W. Luebbers, H. Acker, R.P. Buck, G. Eisenman, M. Kessler, and W. Simon (Ed), Springer, Berlin 1981.

Progress in electrochemistry (5th Australian Conf. Perth, WA, Aug. 18-22, 1980, Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 15)
D.A.J. Rand, G.O. Power, and I.M. Ritchie (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1981 and J. Electroanalytical Chemistry Vol. 118, 1981.

Prospects for industrial electrochemistry (Discussion of the Royal Society, Dec. 10-11, 1980)
G.B.R. Feilden, G.T. Rogers, and W.J. Albery (Ed), Royal Society, London 1981.

Solid electrolytes–solid state ionics and galvanic cells (3rd Int. Meet. Tokyo, Sept. 15-19, 1980)
T. Takahashi, K. Fueki, B.B. Owens, and C.A. Vincent (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 3-4, 1981.

Tutorial lectures in electrochemical engineering and technology (From the 89th Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Portland, OR, Aug. 17-20, 1980, AIChE symposium series No. 204, Vol. 77)
R. Alkire and T. Beck (Ed), AIChE, New York 1981.


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Biomedical applications of LCEC and voltammetry (Indianapolis, IN, May 16-18, 1982.)
Bioanalytical Systems Inc. West Lafayette, IN 1982.

Chemically modified surfaces in catalysis and electrocatalysis (From the 182nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, Aug. 23-25, 1981, ACS symposium series 192)
J.S. Miller (Ed), ACS, Washington 1982.

Chloride electrometallurgy (From the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Dallas, TX, Febr. 14-18, 1982)
P.D. Parker (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1982.

Electrocatalysis (From the 159th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Minneapolis, May 10-15, 1981, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 82-2)
W.E. O'Grady, P.N. Ross, and F.G. Will (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1982.

Electrochemical and spectrochemical studies of biological redox components (From the 181st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Advances in chemistry series 201)
K.M. Kadish (Ed), ACS, Washington 1982.

Electrochemistry in industry, new directions (Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, OH, Oct. 20-22, 1980)
U. Landau, E.B. Yeager, and D. Kortan (Ed), Plenum, New York 1982.

Fuel cells, technology status and applications (Chicago, Nov. 16-18, 1981)
E.H. Camara, G.G. Wilson, and B.W. Feingold (Ed), Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago 1982.

Fundamental and applied electrochemistry (Bombay, India, March 12-13, 1982)
K.M. Joshi and M.K. Totlani (Ed), Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Bombay 1982.

IECEC-82: Energy–the spark and lifeline of civilization (17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Los Angeles, CA, Aug. 8-12, 1982, 5 volumes)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1982.

Light metals 1982 (From the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Dallas, TX, Febr. 14-18, 1982)
J.E. Anderson (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1982.

Nickel electrode (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 82-4)
R.G. Gunther and S. Gross (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1982.

Photochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photobiological processes (Cadarache, Oct. 26-28, 1981)
D.O. Hall and W. Palz (Ed), Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1982.

Photoelectrochemistry, fundamental processes and measurement techniques (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 82-3)
W.L. Wallace, A.J. Nozik, S.K. Deb, and R.H. Wilson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1982.

Power sources (30th Symp. June 7-10, 1982)
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1982.

Recent trends in electrochemical science and technology (1st Indo-Soviet Symp.)
S.K. Trehan (Ed), Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi 1982.

Solar energy R and D in the European community, Series D, Vol. 1: photochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photobiological processes (EC Contractors' Meeting, Cadarache, Oct. 26-28, 1981)
D.O. Hall and W. Palz (Ed), Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1982.

Solid state protonic conductors for fuel cells and sensors (1st Danish-French Worksh. Paris, France, Dec. 8-11, 1981)
J. Jensen and M. Kleitz (Ed), Odense University, Odense, 1982.

Transport processes in electrochemical systems (From the 161st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 9-14, 1982, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 82-10)
R.S. Yeo, T. Katan, and D.-T. Chin (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1982.

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis: clinical applications and developments (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Nov.16-18, 1981)
Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 4, Part II, pp 737-1092, 1982.


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Bioelectrochemistry I: biological redox reactions (NATO 11th Course of the International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy, Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 1981, NATO Asi Series. Series A, Life science, Vol. 11)
G. Milazzo, and M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1983.

Corrosion fatigue: mechanics, metallurgy, electrochemistry, and engineering
T.W. Crooker (Ed), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1983.

Corrosion in batteries and fuel cells and corrosion in solar energy systems (From the 160th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Denver, Oct. 11-16, 1981, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 83-1)
C.J. Johnson and S.L. Pohlman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1983.

Electrochemical process and plant design (From the 161st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 9-14, 1982, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 83-6)
R.C. Alkire, T.R. Beck, and R.D. Varjian (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1983.

Electrochemical techniques in corrosion testing and research (University of Manchester, Jan. 4-6, 1982)
Corrosion Science, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1983.

Electrochemistry of high energy density light metals in aqueous solutions and reactive metal-air batteries (Wksh. Belgrade, Sept. 1-4, 1982)
Societe chimique Beograd, Belgrade 1983.

Electrocrystallization (2nd Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 16-18, 1982)
E. Budewski and W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 28, No. 7, Electroforming/deposition forming (AES Int. Symp. Los Angeles, CA, March 23-24, 1983)
American Electroplaters' Society, Winter Park, FL 1983.

Electromachining (7th Int. Symp. From a Meeting of the International Institution for Production Engineering Research, Birmingham, UK, Apr. 12-14, 1983)
J.R. Crookall (Ed), North-Holland, New York 1983.

Electronic and molecular structure of electrode-electrolyte interfaces (Int. Conf. Logan, UT, July 25-30, 1982, Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 29)
W.N. Hansen, D.M. Kolb, and D.W. Lynch (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1983. Also: J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 150, 1983.

Electrophoresis '82: advanced methods, biochemical and clinical applications (4th Int. Conf. Athens, Greece, Apr. 21-24, 1982)
D. Stathakos (Ed), Gruyter, New York 1983.

Electroplating and metal finishing (2nd Natl. Conf. Bombay, India, March 10-12, 1981)
M.K. Totlani and K.M. Joshi (Ed), Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology, Karaikudi 1983.

Electroplating engineering and waste recycle, new developments and trends (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1982, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 83-12)
D.D. Snyder, U. Landau, and R. Sard (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1983.

IECEC-83: Energy for the marketplace (18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Orlando, FL, Aug. 21-26, 1983, 5 volumes)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 1983.

Light metals 1983 (From the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Atlanta, GA, March 6-10, 1983)
E.M. Adkins (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1983.

Membranes and ionic and electronic conducting polymers (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, May 17-19, 1982, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 83-3)
E.B. Yeager, B. Schumm, K. Mauritz, K. Abbey, D. Blankenship, and J. Alridge (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1983.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 2 (From a Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, June, 1982)
C. Jackson (Ed), Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK 1983.

Passivity of metals and semiconductors (5th Int. Symp. Bombannes, France, May 30-June 3, 1983)
M. Froment (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1983.

Photochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photobiological processes (Brussels, Dec. 6-8, 1982)
D.O. Hall, W. Palz, and D. Pirrwitz (Ed), Reidel, Boston 1983.

(The) physics of superionic conductors and electrode materials (NATO ASI Series B, Physics Vol. 92)
J.W. Perram (Ed), Plenum, New York 1983.

Power sources 9 (13th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 27-30, 1982)
J. Thompson (Ed), Academic, New York 1983.

Recent trends in electrochemical science and technology (Indo-Soviet Joint Symp. Madras, India, Dec. 4-7, 1979)
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi 1983.

Solid state ionics (4th Int. Conf. Grenoble, France, July 4-8, 1983)
M. Kleitz, B. Sapoval, and Y. Chabre (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 9-10, Part I, 1983.

Solid state ionics (4th Int. Conf. Grenoble, France, July 4-8, 1983)
M. Kleitz, B. Sapoval, and D. Ravaine (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 9-10, Part II, 1983.

Solid state protonic conductors for fuel cells and sensors (2nd Danish-French Worksh.)
J.B. Goodenough, J. Jensen, and M. Kleitz (Ed), Odense University, Odense 1983.

State of the art symposium: electrochemistry (reprinted from Journal of Chemical Education)
Chemical Education Publ. 1983.

Tutorial lectures in electrochemical engineering and technology-II (From the Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Denver, CO, Aug, 28-31, 1983, AIChE symposium series No. 229, Vol. 79)
R. Alkire and D.-T. Chin (Ed), AIChE, New York 1983.


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Advances in battery materials and processes (From the 164th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, Oct. 9-14, 1983, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-4)
J. McBreen, R.S. Yeo, D.-T. Chin, and A.C.C. Tseung (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Advances in lead-acid batteries (From the 146th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 8-11, 1984, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-14)
K.R. Bullock and D. Pavlov (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Advances in the chlor-alkali and chlorate industry (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-11)
M.M. Silver and E.M. Spore (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Analytical and preparative isotachophoresis (3rd Int. Symp. Goslar, Germany, June 1-4, 1982)
C.J. Holloway (Ed), Gruyter, Berlin 1984.

Anodes for electrowinning (From the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 28, 1984)
D.J. Robinson and S.E. James (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1984.

Application of polarization measurements in the control of metal deposition (Meeting sponsored by the American Society for Metals, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, 1982, Process Metallurgy, Vol. 3)
I.H. Warren (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1984.

Battery materials (From a Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Brussels, 1983)
A. Kozawa and M. Nagayama (Ed), IBA, Cleveland, OH 1984.

Charge and field effects in biosystems (Int. Symp. University of Nottingham, Sept. 4-9, 1983)
M.J. Allen and P.N.R. Usherwood (Ed), Abacus, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK 1984.

Chemistry and physics of electrocatalysis (From the 163rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 8-13, 1983, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-12)
J.D.E. McIntyre, M.J. Weaver, and E.B. Yeager (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Electrocatalysis: practice, theory, and further developments (Neunkirchen am Brandt, Germany)
S. Trasatti and H. Wendt (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 29, No. 11, 1984.

Electrochemical cell design (Houston, March 27-31, 1983)
R.E. White (Ed), Plenum, New York 1984.

Electrochemical detection in flow analysis (Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol. 18, Modern trends in analytical chemistry, Part A)
E. Pungor and I. Buzas (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1984.

Electrochemical detectors: fundamental aspects and analytical applications (From a Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Sept. 15-16, 1981)
T.H. Ryan (Ed), Plenum, New York 1984.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing (1st Int. Symp. From the 165th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cincinnati, May, 1984, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-10)
P.E. Richardson, S. Srinivasan, and R. Woods (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Electrochemistry of carbon (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, Aug. 17-19, 1983, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 84-5)
S. Sarangapani, J.R. Akridge, and B. Schumm (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Electrochemistry, the interfacing science (6th Australian Conf. Geelong, Vic. Febr. 19-24, 1984, Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 34)
D.A.J. Rand and A.M. Bond (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1984, and J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 168, 1984.

Electrophoresis '83 (5th Int. Conf. Tokyo, May 9-12, 1983)
H. Hirai (Ed), Gruyter, New York 1984.

Electrophoresis '84 (From the 4th Meeting of the International Electrophoresis Society, Gottingen, Germany 1984)
V. Neuhoff (Ed), Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1984.

Equilibrium diagrams: localized corrosion, honoring Marcel Pourbaix on his eightieth birthday (From the 166th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 8-11, 1984, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-9)
R.P. Frankenthal and J. Kruger (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Fundamental aspects of corrosion protection by surface modification (From the 164th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, Oct. 9-14, 1983, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-3)
E. McCafferty, C.R. Clayton, and J. Oudar (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

IECEC-84: Advanced energy systems–their role in our future (19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. San Francisco, CA, Aug. 19-24, 1984, 4 volumes)
American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, IL 1984.

Ionized calcium, sodium, and potassium by ion selective electrodes (First Meet. European Working Group on Ion Selective Electrodes, Oslo, Norway June 13-17, 1983)
A.H.J. Maas, J. Kofstad, O. Siggaard-Andersen, and G. Kokholm (Ed), Private Press, Oslo, Norway 1984.

Lithium batteries (From the 164th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, Oct. 9-14, 1983, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-1)
A.N. Dey (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Molten carbonate fuel cell technology (From the 161st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 9-14, 1982, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-13)
J.R. Selman and T.D. Claar (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Molten salts (4th Int. Symp. From the 163rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 8-13, 1983, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-2)
M. Blander, D.S. Newman, M.-L. Saboungi, G. Mamantov, and K. Johnson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Porous electrodes–theory and practice (From the 162nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Detroit, Oct. 1982, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 84-8)
H.C. Maru, T. Katan, and M.G. Klein (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Power sources (31st Symp. June 11-14, 1984)
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1984.

Recent developments in electrochemistry (June-July 1984)
T.H. Randle (Ed), Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Churchill, Vic. Australia 1984.

Transport in nonstoichiometric compounds (Alenya, Pyrenees Orientales, France, June 28-July 2, 1982, NATO Advanced Research Worksh. ARW 82/4)
G. Petot-Ervas, H.J. Matzke, and C. Monty (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 12, 1984.


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Cell electrophoresis (Int. Meet. Rostock, Germany, Sept. 24-28, 1984)
W Schutt and H. Klinkmann (Ed), De Gruyter, Berlin 1985.

Computer aided acquisition and analysis of corrosion data (From the 166th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 8-11, 1984, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 85-3)
M.W. Kendig, U. Bertocci, and J.E. Strutt (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1985.

Electrochemistry in research and development (UNESCO Forum, Paris, France, June 3-6, 1984)
R. Kalvoda and R. Parsons (Ed), Plenum, New York 1985.

Electroplating (7th Symp. Budapest, Hungary, April 16-19, 1985)
L. Matay (Ed), OMIKK-Techoinform, Budapest 1985.

Energy reduction techniques in metal electrochemical processes (From the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, New York, Febr. 24-28, 1985)
R.G. Bautista and R.J. Wesely (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1985.

Engineering aspects of electrochemistry (Loughborough, UK 1984)
A.J.S. McNeil (Ed), Surface Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1985.

IECEC-85: Energy for the 21st century (20th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Miami Beach, FL, Aug. 18-23, 1985, 3 volumes)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1985.

Ion-selective electrodes (4th Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 8-12, 1984, Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol. 22)
E. Pungor and I. Buzas (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1985.

Isotachophoresis (4th Int. Symp. Hradec Kralove, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 2-6, 1984)
J. Chromatography, Vol. 320, No. 1, 1985.

Light metals 1985 (From the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, New York, Febr. 24-28, 1985)
H.O. Bohner (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1985.

Lithium batteries (2nd Int. Meet. Paris, France, April 25-27, 1984)
Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne, Switzerland 1985, also: J. Power Sources, Vol. 14, No. 1-3, 1985.

Manganese dioxide electrode: theory and practice for electrochemical applications (From the 166th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 8-11, 1984, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 85-4)
B. Schumm, R.L. Middaugh, M.P. Grotheer, and J.C. Hunter (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1985.

Photoelectrochemistry, photocatalysis, and photoreactors: fundamentals and developments (NATO Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 146)
M. Schiavello (Ed), Reidel, Boston 1985.

Power sources 10 (14th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 17-20, 1984)
L.J. Pearce (Ed), Paul, London 1985.

Solid state batteries (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Alcabideche, Portugal, Sept. 2-14, 1984, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 101)
C.A.C. Sequeira and A. Hooper (Ed), M. Nijhoff, Boston 1985.

Solid state protonic conductors for fuel cells and sensors (3rd Danish-French Worksh. La Grand-Motte, Herault, France, May 15-18, 1984)
J.B. Goodenough, J. Jensen, and A. Potier (Ed), Odense University, Odense 1985.


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Aluminum surface treatment technology (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-11)
R.S. Alwitt and G.E. Thompson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Battery (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Worksh. Greenbelt, MD, 1985)
D.W. Maurer (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 18, No. 2-3, 1986.

Battery testing (1st Int. Worksh. Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1985)
F. Hornstra and R. Knodler (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 17, 1986.

Catalysis for electrochemical power sources, electrocatalysis for the synthesis of chemicals (18th Swedish Symp. on Catalysis, Lund, Sweden, Sept. 16-17, 1985)
R. Larsson, S T Lundin, and L Jonsson (Ed), J. Mol. Catal. Vol. 38, No. 1-2, 1986.

Cathodic protection: theory and practice (From a Conf. of the Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology, 1982)
V. Ashworth and C.J.L. Booker (Ed), Ellis Horwood, Birmingham, UK, and Halsted, New York 1986.

Corrosion monitoring in industrial plants using nondestructive testing and electrochemical methods (From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM Special technical publication No. 908)
G.C. Moran and P. Labine (Ed), ASTM, Philadelphia 1986.

Diaphragms, separators, and ion-exchange membranes (From the 169th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, May, 1986, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-13)
J.W. Van Zee, R.E. White, K. Kinoshita, and H.S. Burney (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1986.

Electrical double layers in biology (From the 167th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, May 12-17, 1985)
M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1986.

Electrochemical and thermal modeling of battery, fuel cell, and photoenergy conversion systems (From the 170th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, Oct. 20-22, 1986, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-12)
J.R. Selman and H.C. Maru (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Electrochemical corrosion testing with special consideration of practical applications (Int. Worksh. Ferrara, Italy, Sept. 11-13, 1985)
E. Heitz, J.C. Rowlands, and F. Mansfield (Ed), VCH, Weinheim 1986.

Electrochemical engineering (Loughborough, UK, Apr. 21-23, 1986, Institution of Chemical Engineers (GB) symposium series No. 98, EFCE Event No. 332)
N.A. Hampson (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1986.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (Int. Symp. Toulouse, France, July 9-12, 1985)
M. Durat (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 8, 1986.

Electrochemical sensors for biomedical applications (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-14)
C.K.N. Li (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Electrochemical techniques for corrosion engineering (From Corrosion/85, Meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Boston, March 25-29, 1985)
R. Baboian (Ed), NACE, Houston 1986.

Electrochemistry, sensors and analysis (Dublin, Ireland, June 10-12, 1986, Analytical chemistry symposia series, Vol. 25)
M.R. Smyth and J.G. Vos (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1986.

Electrophoresis '86 (From the 5th Meeting of the International Electrophoresis Society, London, Sept. 9-12, 1986)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), VCH, New York 1986.

Engineering of industrial electrolytic processes (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-8)
U. Landau, R.E. White, and R.D. Varjian (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Excited states and reactive intermediates: photochemistry, photophysics, and electrochemistry (From a Meeting of the American Chemical Society and the Chemical Institute of Canada, Toronto, Canada, June 6-9, 1985, ACS symposium series 307)
A.P.B. Lever (Ed), ACS, Washington 1986.

IECEC-86: Advancing toward technology breakout in energy conversion (21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. San Diego, CA, Aug. 25-29, 1986, 3 volumes)
American Chemical Society, New York 1986.

Isotachophoresis (5th Int. Symp. Maastricht, Sept. 3-5, 1986)
P Bocek and F.M. Everaerts (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 390, No. 1, 1986.

Load leveling and energy conservation in industrial processes (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-10)
D-T. Chin (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Materials for solid state batteries (Singapore, June 2-6, 1986)
B.V.R. Chowdari and S. Radhakrishna (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1986.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 3 (From a Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, June, 1985)
K. Wall (Ed), Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK 1986.

Molten salts (5th Int. Symp. From the 168th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, Oct. 1985, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-1)
M.-L. Saboungi, D.S. Newman, K. Johnson, and D. Inman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Neurochemical analysis of the conscious brain: voltammetry and push-pull perfusion (Conf. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, April 17-19, 1985, Annals of the Academy, Vol. 473)
R D Myers and P.J Knott (Ed), New York Academy of Sciences, New York 1986.

Power sources (32nd Int. Symp. June 9-12, 1986)
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Solid state ionics (5th Int. Conf. Lake Tahoe, CA, Aug. 16-24, 1985)
J.B. Boyce, L.C. De Jonghe, and R.A. Huggins (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 18-19, Part I-II, 1986.

Surfaces, inhibition, and passivation, honoring Norman Hackerman on his seventy-fifth birthday (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 86-7)
E. McCafferty and R.J. Brodd (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1986.

Trends in interfacial electrochemistry (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, July 2-13, 1984, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 179)
A.F. Silva (Ed), Reidel, Boston 1986.

Two-dimensional surface phenomena in electrochemical systems (3rd Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 1985)
W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 31, No. 8, 1986.


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Advances in electrochemistry (30th Robert A. Welch Foundation Conf. on Chemical Research, Houston, Nov. 3-5, 1986)
Robert A. Welch Foundation, Houston 1987.

Battery applications and advances (2nd Ann. Conf. Meeting of the Southern California-Nevada Local Section, Long Beach, CA, Jan. 14-16, 1986, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 87-16)
R.L. Das (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Bioelectroanalysis (1st Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 6-8, 1986)
E. Pungor and I. Buzas (Ed), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary 1987.

Bioelectrochemistry II: membrane phenomena (NATO 13th Course of the International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy, Nov. 5-15, 1984, NATO Asi Series. Series A, Life science, Vol. 32)
G. Milazzo, and M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1987.

Chemical sensors (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-9)
D.R. Turner (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Conducting polymers: special applications (Worksh. Sintra, Portugal, July 28-31, 1986)
L. Alcacer (Ed), Reidel, Boston 1987.

Corrosion protection by organic coatings (From the 170th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, Oct. 20-22, 1986, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-2)
M.W. Kendig and H. Leidheiser (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Electrochemical engineering applications (From the Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Miami Beach, Nov. 2-7, 1986, AIChE Symposium Series No. 254, Vol. 83)
R.E. White, R.F. Savinell, and A. Schneider (Ed), AIChE, New York 1987.

Electrochemistry and solid state science education at the graduate and undergraduate level (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-3)
W.H. Smyrl and F. McLarnon (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Electrochemistry of conducting polymers (Int. School, Kazimierz, Poland, Sept. 21-27, 1986)
J. Przyluski and S. Roth (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 21, 1987.

Electrode materials and processes for energy conversion and storage (2nd Symp. From the 171st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 10-15, 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-12)
S. Srinivasan, S. Wagner, and H. Wroblowa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Electrodeposition technology, theory and practice (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-17)
L.T. Romankiw and D.R. Turner (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Electromagnetic fields and biomembranes (First Int. School, Pleven, Bulgaria Oct. 6-12, 1986)
K. Markov and M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1987.

Electrorefining and winning of copper (From the 116th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Denver, CO, Febr. 24-26, 1987)
J.E. Hoffmann (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1987.

Fuel cells: trends in research and applications (from a UNESCO meeting, Ravello, Italy, June 10-14, 1985)
A.J. Appleby (Ed), Hemisphere 1987.

History of battery technology (From the 171st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 10-15, 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-14)
A.J. Salkind (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

IECEC-87: Energy–new frontiers (22nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Philadelphia, Aug. 10-14, 1987, 4 volumes)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 1987.

Isotachophoresis (5th Int. Symp. Maastricht, Netherlands, 1986)
F.M. Everaerts and P. Bocek (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 390, No. 1, 1987.

Light metals 1987 (From the 116th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Denver CO, Febr. 24-26, 1987)
R.D. Zabreznik (Ed), The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA 1987.

Lithium batteries (3rd Int. Meet. Kyoto, Japan, May 27-30, 1986)
J. Power Sources, Vol. 20, 1987.

Lithium batteries (From the 170th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, Oct. 20-22, 1986, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-1)
A.N. Dey (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Molten salts (6th Int. Symp. From the Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-7)
G. Mamantov, M. Blander, C. Hussey, G. Mamantov, M.-L. Saboungi, and J. Wilkes (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

New directions in electrophoretic methods (From the 190th Meeting of The American Chemical Society, Chicago, Sept. 8-13, 1985, ACS symposium series, No. 335)
J.W. Jorgenson and M. Phillips (Ed), ACS, Washington 1987.

Nickel-iron electric vehicle battery applications (Worksh. Chattanooga, TN, May 27-28, 1987)
D.L. Douglas (Ed), Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN 1987.

Power sources 11 (15th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Sept. 1986)
L.J. Pearce (Ed), Int. Power Sources Symp. Comm. Leatherhead, Surrey, UK 1987.

Recent advances in electroorganic synthesis (1st Int. Symp. Kurashiki, Japan, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 1986)
S. Torii (Ed), Kodansha, Tokyo, and Elsevier, New York 1987.

Sensor science and technology (Electronics Design Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, April 6-8, 1987, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 87-15)
B. Schumm, C.C. Liu, R.A. Powers, and E.B. Yeager (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Sodium-sulfur batteries (From the 170th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, Oct. 20-22, 1986, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 87-5)
A.R. Landgrebe, R.D. Weaver, and R.K. Sen (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1987.

Ultramicroelectrodes (Midway, UT, Jan. 1986)
M. Fleischmann, S. Pons, D.R. Rolison, and P.P. Schmidt (Ed), Datatech Systems, Morganton, NC 1987.


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Advances in electrochemical science and technology (3rd Int. Symp. Dec. 10-14, 1984, Madras, India)
South Asia Books and Oxford-IBH, New Delhi 1988.

Battery (2nd Asian Conf. Singapore, Aug. 17-19, 1987)
D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 23, 1988.

Battery materials (From the 3rd Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Honolulu, Oct. 13-16, 1987, Progress in batteries and solar cells, Vol. 7)
M. Nagayama and A. Kozawa (Ed), JEC, Brunswick, OH 1988.

Bayer and Hall-Heroult process: selected topics (From the 8th Int. Light Metals Congr. Leoben, Styria, Austria, 1988)
K. Bielfeldt and K. Grjotheim (Ed), Aluminium-Verlag, Dusseldorf 1988.

Biomedical applications of chromatography and electrophoresis (10th Int. Symp. Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, Apr. 26-29, 1988) J. Wagner (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 434, No. 2, 1988. Corrosion, electrochemistry, and catalysis of metallic glasses (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-1)
R.B. Diegle and K. Hashimoto (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrocatalysis (9th Symp. Karnovice, Poland, June 1-3, 1987)
P. Nowak (Ed), Polish Chemical Society, Warsaw 1988.

Electro-ceramics and solid state ionics (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-3)
H.L. Tuller and D.M. Smyth (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrochemical engineering in the chlor-alkali and chlorate industries (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-2)
F. Hine, R.E. White, W.B. Darlington, and R.D. Varjian (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrochemical surface science: molecular phenomena at electrode surfaces (From the 194th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 1987, ACS symposium series, No. 378)
M.P. Soriaga (Ed), ACS, Washington 1988.

Electrochemical technology in electronics (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-23)
L.T. Romankiw and T. Osaka (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing (2nd Int. Symp. From the 173rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, May, 1988, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-21)
P.E. Richardson and R. Woods (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrodeposition and electroforming (Int. Conf. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Febr. 20-22, 1986.)
E.S. Dwarakadasa, R.P. Dambal, and J. Balachandra (Ed), Asia Books and Periodicals, New Delhi 1988.

Electrodes for stimulation and bioelectric potential recording, FFB4 (4th Focus on Biomeasurement, Febr. 22-23, 1988, Freiburg, Germany)
Biomesstechnik-Verlag, Germany 1988.

Electroless deposition of metals and alloys (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-12)
M. Paunovic and I. Ohno (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Electrophoresis '88 (From the 6th Meeting of the International Electrophoresis Society, Copenhagen, July 4-7, 1988)
C. Schafer-Nielsen (Ed), VCH, New York 1988.

Electroresponsive polymers (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, Oct. 4-7, 1987)
T.A. Skotheim (Ed), Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol. 160, 1988.

Galvanic corrosion (From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 3-4, 1986, ASTM Special technical publication No. 978)
H.P. Hack (Ed), ASTM, Philadelphia 1988.

IECEC-88 (23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Denver, CO, July 31-Aug. 5, 1988, 4 volumes)
D. Y. Goswami (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 1988.

Membranes and processes (2nd Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Deerfield Beach, FL, Nov. 1988)
The Electrosynthesis Company, East Amherst, NY 1988.

Modeling and simulation of electrolytic solution processes (From the Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-18)
D.-T. Chin and P.N. Pintauro (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Photoelectrochemical solar cells (From a UNESCO training worksh. Bombay, India, 1986, Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 50)
K.S.V. Santhanam and M. Sharon (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1988.

Photoelectrochemistry and electrosynthesis on semiconducting materials (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-14)
D.S. Ginley, K. Honda, A. Nozik, A. Fujishima, N. Armstrong, T.Sakata, and T. Kawai (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Power sources (33rd Int. Symp. June 13-16, 1988)
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Primary and secondary ambient temperature lithium batteries (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-6)
J.-P. Gabano, Z. Takehara, and P. Bro (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.

Redox chemistry and interfacial behavior of biological molecules(3rd Int. Symp. From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987)
G. Dryhurst and K. Niki (Ed), Plenum, New York 1988.

Solid state ionics (6th Int. Conf. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 6-11, 1987)
W. Weppner and H. Schulz (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 28-30, Part I-II, 1988.

Solid state ionic devices (Singapore, July 18-23, 1988)
B.V.R. Chowdari and S. Radhakrishna (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1988.

Space electrochemical research and technology (Cleveland, OH, 1987)
L.H. Thaller (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 22, No. 3-4, 1988.

Stationary energy storage: load leveling and remote applications (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 88-11)
A.R. Landgrebe, D.J. Rand, S.L. Van Voorhess, and R.K. Sen (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1988.


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Advances in chromatography and electrophoresis in biomedicine (On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Karel Macek, Riva del Garda, Sept. 20-23, 1988)
K Macek, Z. Deyl, and A. Frigerio (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 488, No. 1, 1989.

Advances in corrosion protection by organic coatings (Int. Symp. Cambridge, UK, Apr. 11-14, 1989, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 89-13)
D. Scantlebury and M.W. Kendig (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1989.

Battery (3rd Asian Conf. Bangkok, Aug. 14-16, 1989)
D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 28, 1989.

Charge and field effects in biosystems-2 (2nd Int. Symp. Richmond, VA, June 4-9, 1989)
M.J. Allen, S.F. Cleary, and F.M. Hawkridge (Ed), Plenum, New York 1989.

Charge transfer in polymeric systems (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Oxford, Sept. 11-13, 1989, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 88)
Chemical Society, London 1989.

Electrochemical engineering 1989 (Loughborough, UK, Apr. 11-13, 1989, Institution of Chemical Engineers (GB) symposium series No. 112, EFCE Event No. 398, EFCE Publication No. 73)
N.A. Hampson (Ed), Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK, and Hemisphere, New York 1989.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (3rd Int. Symp. Zurich, Switzerland, July 12-15, 1988)
B. Elsener (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 44-45, 1989.

Electrochemical phase formation and dissolution (4th Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 14-18, 1988)
W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 34, No. 8, 1989.

Electrochemistry of conducting polymers (2nd Int. School, Sulejow, Poland, Sept. 10-16, 1988)
J. Plocharski and S. Roth (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 42, 1989.

Electrochemistry, past and present (From the 195th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, and the 3rd Chemical Congress of North America, Toronto, 1988, ACS symposium series, No. 390)
J.T. Stock and M.V. Orna (Ed), ACS, Washington 1989.

Electromachining, ISEM (9th Int. Symp. Nagoya, Japan 1989)
Japan Society of Electrical-Machining Engineers, Tokyo, Japan 1989.

Electrophoretic studies on agricultural pests (Int. Symp. Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK, Apr. 6-8 1988)
H.D. Loxdale and J.D. Hollander (Ed), Clarendon, Oxford, UK 1989.

From laboratory to pilot plant to production (3rd Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nov. 1989)
J.D. Genders and D. Pletcher (Ed), The Electrosynthesis Company, East Amherst, NY 1989.

Fuel cells (From a Meeting of The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, San Fransisco, Nov. 6-7, 1989, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 89-14)
R.E. White and A.J. Appleby (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1989.

High conductivity solid ionic conductors: recent trends and applications (6th Int. Conf. Garmisch, Germany, 1987)
T. Takahashi (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1989.

High performance capillary electrophoresis (1st Int. Symp. Boston, Apr. 10-12, 1989)
B.L. Karger (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 480, 1989.

IECEC-89 (24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Washington, Aug. 6-11, 1989, 6 volumes)
W.D. Jackson and D.A. Hull (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1989.

Ion-selective electrodes (5th Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 9-13, 1988)
E. Pungor (Ed), Pergamon, Oxford 1989.

Instationary processes and dynamic experimental methods in catalysis, electrochemistry and corrosion (27th Tutzing Symp. Tutzing, Germany, March 6-9, 1989, DECHEMA Monograph Vol 120)
G. Sandstede and G. Kreysa (Ed), VCH, Weinheim 1989.

Isotachophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis (6th Int. Symp. Vienna, Austria, Sept. 21-23, 1988)
P. Bocek and E. Kenndler (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 470, No. 1, 1989.

Lithium batteries (4th Int. Meet. Vancouver, Canada, May 24-27, 1988)
R.R. Haering (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 26, 1989.

Materials and processes for lithium batteries (From the 174th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 10-12, 1988, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 89-4)
K.M. Abraham and B.B. Owens (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1989.

Metallized plastics 1: fundamental and applied aspects (From the 174th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 10-12, 1988)
K.L. Mittal and J.R. Susko (Ed), Plenum, New York 1989.

Performance of electrodes for industrial electrochemical processes (From the 175th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 7-12, 1989, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 89-10)
F. Hine, B.V. Tilak, J.M. Fenton, and J.D. Lisius (Ed), ECS, Princeton, NJ 1989.

Production and electrolysis of light metals (Int. Symp. form the 28th Meeting of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Halifax, Canada, Aug. 20-24, 1989, Proc. of CIM, Vol 16)
B. de Closset, (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1989.

Power sources 12 (16th Int. Symp. Bournemouth, UK, Sept. 1988)
T. Keily and B.W. Baxter (Ed), Int. Power Sources Symp. Comm. Leatherhead, Surrey, UK 1989.

Science and technology of fast ion conductors (International School of Materials Science and Technology, Erice, Italy 1987, NATO ASI Series B, Physics Vol. 199)
H.L. Tuller and M. Balkanski (Ed), Plenum, New York 1989.

Solid oxide fuel cells (1st Int. Symp. From the 176th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 16-18, 1989, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 89-11)
S.C. Singhal (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1989.

Solid state ionics (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 1988, MRS Proceedings Vol. 135)
G.-A. Nazri, R.A. Huggins, and D.F. Shriver (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1989.

Solid state ionics in Japan (15th Symp. Akakura, Japan, Oct. 27-28, 1988)
T. Takahashi, H. Okazaki, and C.A. Vincent (ED), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 35, No. 3-4, 1989.

Solid state protonic conductors (4th Int. Conf. University of Exeter, UK, Sept. 12-16, 1988)
R.C.T. Slade (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 35, 1989.

Two-dimensional electrophoresis (Vienna, Nov. 1988)
A.T. Endler and S. Hanash (Ed), VCH, Weinheim 1989.

Transient techniques in corrosion science and engineering (From the 174th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 10-12, 1988, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 89-1)
W.H Smyrl, D.D. Macdonald, and W.J. Lorenz (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1989.


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Analytical biotechnology: capillary electrophoresis and chromatography (From the 196th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Sept. 25-30, 1990, ACS symposium series, No. 434)
C. Horvath and J.G. Nikelly (Ed), ACS, Washington 1990.

Battery materials (From the 4th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), York, UK, Oct. 1-4, 1989, Progress in batteries and solar cells, Vol. 9)
F.L. Tye, H.M. Friend, and J.C. Nardi (Ed), JEC, Brunswick, OH 1990.

Bioelectrochemistry III: charge separation across biomembranes (NATO 19th Course of the International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy, Nov. 3-13, 1988, NATO Asi Series. Series A, Life science, Vol. 51)
G. Milazzo, and M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1990.

Contemporary electroanalytical chemistry (ElectroFinnAnalysis, Int. Conf. Turku, Finland, June 6-9, 1988)
A. Ivaska, A. Lewenstam, and R. Sara (Ed), Plenum, New York 1990.

Contribution of electrochemistry to energy conservation and saving and environmental protection (UNESCO Expert Worksh. Gaussing Castle, Germany, Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 1989)
K. Wiesener (Ed), Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, 1990.

Electrochemical engineering and small scale electrolytic processing (From the 177th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 6-11, 1990, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-10)
C.W. Walton, J.W. Van Zee, and R.D. Varjian (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (1st Int. Symp. Bombannes, France, May 22-26, 1989)
C. Gabrielli (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 35, No. 10, 1990.

Electrochemical technology for a cleaner environment (4th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nov. 1990)
J.D. Genders and N.L. Weinberg (Ed), The Electrosynthesis Company, East Amherst, NY 1990.

Electrochromic materials (From a Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-2)
M.K. Carpenter and D.A. Corrigan (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Electroorganic synthesis (Festschrift for M.M. Baizer, From the 177th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 6-11, 1990)
R.D. Little and N.L. Weinberg (Ed), Dekker, New York 1990.

Electrophoresis of large DNA molecules: theory and applications (March, 1990)
E. Lai and B.W. Birren (Ed), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1990.

Electroresponsive polymers (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, Oct. 25-27, 1989)
T.A. Skotheim (Ed), Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol. 189-190, 1990.

Fuel cells (Grove Symp. '89, London, Sept. 18-21, 1989)
D.G. Lovering (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, and Elsevier, New York 1990.

High-performance capillary electrophoresis (2nd Int. Symp. San Francisco, CA, Jan. 29-31, 1990)
B.L. Karger (Ed), J. Chomatography, Vol. 516, No. 1, 1990.

IECEC-90: twenty five years of progress and future prospects (25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Reno, NV, Aug. 12-17, 1990, 6 volumes)
P.A. Nelson, W.W. Schertz, and R.H. Till (Ed), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 1990.

Ion-sensing electrodes and electrochemical instrumentation (UNESCO Int. Worksh. Bombay, Oct. 23 - Nov. 2, 1989)
K.S.V. Santhanam (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore and Teaneck, NJ 1990.

Lead-acid batteries (LABAT '89, Int. Conf. Drujba, Varna, Bulgaria, May 29- June 2, 1989)
D.A.J. Rand and D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 30-31, 1990.

Molten carbonate fuel cell technology (2nd Symp. From the 178th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, Oct. 1990, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-16)
J.R. Selman, H.C. Maru, D.A. Shores, and I. Uchida (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Molten salts (7th Int. Symp. From the 177th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 6-11, 1990, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-17)
C.L. Hussey, J.S. Wilkes, S.N. Flengas, and Y. Ito (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 4 (From a Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry)
N.M. Prout and J.S. Moorehouse (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1990.

Nickel hydroxide electrodes (From the 176th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 16-18, 1989, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-4)
D.A. Corrigan and A.H. Zimmerman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Passivity of metals and semiconductors, Part I, Metals (6th Int. Symp. Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 24-28, 1989)
N. Sato and K. Hashimoto (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1990, and Corrosion Science, Vol. 31, 1990.

Passivity of metals and semiconductors, Part II, Semiconductors (6th Int. Symp. Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 24-28, 1989)
H. Hasegawa and T. Sugana (Ed), Pergamon, New York 1990.

Polymer electrolytes (2nd Int. Symp.)
B. Scrosati (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1990.

Power sources (34th Int. Symp. Cherry Hill, NJ, June 25-28, 1990, IEEE Cat. No. 90CH2863-9)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1990.

Rechargeable lithium batteries (From the 176th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Hollywood, FL, Oct. 16-18, 1989, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 90-5)
S. Subbarao, V.R. Koch, B.B. Owens, and W.H. Smyrl (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1990.

Solid state ionics (7th Int. Conf. Hakone/Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 5-11, 1989)
S. Hoshino, et al. (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 40-41, Part I-II, 1990.

Solid state microbatteries (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, Italy, July 3-5, 1988, NATO ASI Series B, Physics Vol. 217)
J.R. Akridge and M. Balkanski (Ed), Plenum, New York 1990.

Spectroscopic and diffraction techniques in interfacial electrochemistry (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, July 3-15, 1988, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 320)
C. Gutierrez and C. Melendres (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1990.

SUR/FIN '90 (77th Annual Technical Conference, of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) July 9-12, 1990, Boston, MA)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1990.

The measurement and correction of electrolyte resistance in electrochemical tests (From the Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Baltimore, 1988, ASTM Special technical publication No. 1056)
L.L. Scribner and S.R. Taylor (Ed), ASTM, Philadelphia 1990.


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Battery materials (From the 5th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), San Paulo, Brazil, Oct. 21-24, 1990, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 10)
B. Schumm and J.C. Nardi (Ed), JEC, Brunswick, OH 1991.

Beta-aluminas and beta batteries (Druzhba, Varna, Bulgaria, May 14-18, 1991)
G. Staikov (Ed), Trans Tech, Switzerland 1991.

Capillary electrophoresis and isotachophoresis (7th Int. Symp. Tastranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia, Oct. 2-4, 1990)
P. Bocek and D. Kaniansky (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 545, No. 2, 1991.

Condensed matter physics aspects of electrochemistry (ICTP, Trieste, Italy, Aug. 27-Sept. 9, 1990)
M.P. Tosi and A.A. Kornyshev (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore, 1991.

Electrochemical and optical techniques for the study and monitoring of metallic corrosion (NATO Advanced Study Institute, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 203)
M.G.S. Ferreira and C. Melendres (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1991.

Electrochemical cell design and optimization procedures (DECHEMA Conf. Bad Soden, Germany, Sept. 24-26, 1990, DECHEMA Monographs, Vol. 123)
G. Kreysa (Ed), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1991.

Electrosynthesis for the 1990's and beyond (5th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nov. 1991)
The Electrosynthesis Company, East Amherst NY 1991.

Electrophoresis, supercomputing, and the human genome (1st Int. Conf. Tallahassee, FL, Apr. 10-13, 1990)
C.R. Cantor and H.A. Lim (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1991.

High performance capillary electrophoresis (3rd Int. Symp. San Diego, CA, Febr. 3-6, 1991)
J.W. Jorgenson (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 559, 1991.

High temperature electrode materials and characterization (From the 179th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 5-11, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 91-6)
D.D. Macdonald and A.C. Khandkar (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1991.

IECEC-91: Energy and the environment: a continuing partnership (26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Boston, Aug. 4-9, 1991, 6 volumes)
American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 1991.

Ionic and mixed conducting ceramics (1st Int. Symp. From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 91-12)
T.A. Ramanarayanan and H.L. Tuller (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1991.

Lead battery (2nd European Conf. PbCa90, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 19-20, 1990)
M.G. Mayer and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 33, 1991.

Metallized plastics 2: fundamental and applied aspects (From the 177th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 6-11, 1990)
K.L. Mittal (Ed), Plenum, New York 1991.

Microelectrodes: theory and applications (NATO Advanced Study Institute, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 197)
M.I. Montenegro, M.A. Queiros, and J.L. Daschbach (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1991.

Modeling of batteries and fuel cells (From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 91-10)
R.E. White, M.W. Verbrugge, and J.F. Stockel (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1991.

Molten salt chemistry and technology (3rd Int. Symp. Paris, France, July, 1991)
M. Chemla, D. Devilliers, and M. Vogler (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 73-75, 1991.

Photochemistry and photoelectrochemistry of organic and inorganic molecular thin films (From a meeting of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 23-24, 1991, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1436)
M.F. Lawrence, A.J. Frank, R. Ramasesha, and C.C. Wamser (Ed), SPIE, Bellingham, WA 1991.

Power sources 13 (17th Int. Symp. Bournemouth, UK, Apr. 8-11, 1991)
T. Keily and B.W. Baxter (Ed), Int. Power Sources Symp. Comm. Leatherhead, Surrey, UK 1991.

Primary and secondary lithium batteries (From the 178th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, Oct. 1990, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 91-3)
K.M. Abraham and M. Solomon (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1991.

Solid oxide fuel cells (2nd Int. Symp. Athens, Greece, July 2-5, 1991, EUR (Series) 13564 EN)
F. Grosz, P. Zegers, S.C. Singhal, and O. Yamamoto (Ed), Commission of the European Communities, Brussels 1991.

Solid state ionics II (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 1990, MRS Proceedings Vol. 210)
G.-A. Nazri (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1991.

Solid state protonic conductors (5th European Conf. Assisi, Italy, Sept. 16-20, 1990)
G. Alberti (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 46, 1991.

Space electrochemical research and technology (3rd Conf. Cleveland, OH, Apr. 9-10, 1991)
M. Warshay (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 36, pp 205-402, 1991.

SUR/FIN '91 (78th Annual Technical Conference, of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Toronto, June 24-27, 1991)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1991.

Systems with fast ionic transport (3rd Int. Symp. Holzhau, Germany, Apr. 21-25, 1991)
G. Schuster, K. Kunstler, and H. Ullmann (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 76, 1991.

Two-dimensional electrophoresis (Int. Meet. London, July 16-18, 1991)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, National Heart and Lung Institute, 1991.


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Adsorbates, intermediates and inhibitors (5th Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 16-20, 1991)
W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 37, No. 12, 1992.

Battery (4th Asian Conf. Seoul, Sept. 2-4, 1991)
D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 38, pp 1-236, 1992.

Battery materials (From the 6th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Sidney, Australia, Nov. 3-6, 1991, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 11)
D.A.J. Swinkels and J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1992.

Capillary electrophoresis (2nd Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 15-16, 1991)
H.J. Isaaq (Ed), J. Liquid Chromatography, Vol. 15, No. 6-7, 1992.

Ceramic conductors for solid state electrochemical devices (Snowbird, Utah, May 12-14, 1991)
A.C. Khandkar, M. Liu, and W. Weppner (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 52, 1992.

Charge and field effects in biosystems-3 (3rd Int. Symp. Richmond, VA, July 21-27, 1991)
M.J. Allen (Ed), Birkhauser, Boston 1992.

Critical factors in localized corrosion (1st Symp. From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-9)
G.S. Frankel and R.C. Newman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Direct methanol-air fuel cells (Georgetown University, May 14-16, 1990, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 92-14)
A.R. Landgrebe, R.K. Sen, and D.J. Wheeler (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Electrified interfaces in physics, chemistry and biology (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Varenna, Italy, July 23-Aug. 3, 1990, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 355)
R. Guidelli (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1992.

Electrochemical engineering and the environment 92 (Loughborough University, UK, Apr, 7-9, 1992, Institution of Chemical Engineers symposium series 127, EFCE Event 453, EFCE Publication 89)
P.J. Mitchell (Ed), Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK, and Hemisphere, New York 1992.

Electrochemical microfacbrication (1st Int. Symp. From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-3)
M. Datta, K. Sheppard, and D.D. Snyder (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (4th Int. Symp. Espoo, Finland, July 1-4, 1991)
O. Forsen (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 111-112, 1992.

Electrochemistry in colloids and dispersions (From a Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, Aug. 26-29, 1991)
R.A. Mackay and J. Texter (Ed), VCH, New York 1992.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing (3rd Int. Symp. From the 181st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, St. Louis, MO, May 17-21, 1992, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-17)
R. Woods and P.E. Richardson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Electrochemistry in transition: from the 20th to the 21st century (From the 195th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, and the 3rd Chemical Congress of North America, Toronto, 1988)
O.J. Murphy, S. Srinivasan, and B.E. Conway (Ed), Plenum, New York 1992.

Electrophoresis forum '92 (Munich, Oct. 26-28, 1992)
B.J. Radola (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 13, No. 9-10, 1992.

Environmental applications of electrochemical technology (6th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nov. 1992)
The Electrosynthesis Company, East Amherst, NY 1992.

Fuel cells: progress in fuel cell commercialisation (2nd Grove Symp. London, Sept. 24-27, 1991)
A.J. Appleby and D.G. Lovering (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 37, pp 1-295, 1992.

High performance capillary electrophoresis (4th Int. Symp. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Febr. 9-13, 1992)
F.M. Everaerts and T.P.E.M. Verheggen (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 608, No. 1-2, 1992.

High power, ambient temperature lithium batteries (From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-15)
W.D.K. Clark and G. Halpert (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Hydrogen storage materials, batteries, and electrochemistry (From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-5)
D.A. Corrigan and S. Srinivasan (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

IECEC-92: Technology for energy efficiency in the twenty-first century (27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. San Diego, CA, Aug. 3-7, 1992, 6 volumes)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1992.

Lead/acid battery (6th Int. ILZRO Sem. Nice, France, May 13-15, 1992)
R.F. Nelson (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 40, and Elsevier, New York 1992.

Metal deposition and dissolution (From the Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Miami Beach, Nov. 1-6, 1992, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 92-23)
D.-T. Chin, R.E. White, J.W. Van Zee, and J.W. Weidner (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Metallized plastics 3: fundamental and applied aspects (From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991)
K.L. Mittal (Ed), Plenum, New York 1992.

Molten salts (8th Int. Symp. From the 181st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, St. Louis, MO,May 17-21, 1992, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-16)
R.J. Gale, G. Blomgren, and H. Kojima (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 5 (From a Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry)
T.C. Wellington (Ed), Elsevier, New York 1992.

Oxide films on metals and alloys (From the 182nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Oct. 11-16, 1992, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-22)
B.R. MacDougall, R.S. Alwitt, and T.A. Ramanarayanan (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

Polymer electrolytes (3rd Int. Symp. Annecy, France, June 17-21, 1991)
M. Armand (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1992.

Power sources (35th Int. Symp. Cherry Hill, NJ, June 22-25, 1992, IEEE Cat. No. 92CH3109-6)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1992.

Solid state ionics (Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials, ICAM 91, From the 1991 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Strasbourg, France, May 27-31, 1991)
M. Balkanski, T. Takahashi, and H.L. Tuller (Ed), North-Holland, New York 1992.

Solid state ionics (8th Int. Conf. Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 20-26, 1991)
P.S. Nicholson, M.S. Whittingham, G.C. Farrington, W.W. Smeltzer, and J. Thomas (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 53-56, Part I-II, 1992.

Solid state ionics: materials and applications (3rd Asian Conf. Varanasi, India, Nov. 9-13 1992)
B.V.R. Chowdari (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1992.

Structural effects in electrocatalysis and oxygen electrochemistry (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1991, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 92-11)
D. Scherson, D. Tryk, M. Daroux, and X. Xing (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.

SUR/FIN '92 (79th Annual Technical Conference, of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Atlanta, June 22-25, 1992)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1992.

The liquid/solid interface at high resolution (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Sept. 7-9, 1992, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 94)
The Royal Society of Chemistry, London 1992.

Trends in electrochemical biosensors (Int. Conf. Trieste, Italy, June 21-24, 1992)
G. Costa and S. Miertus (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1992.

X-ray methods in corrosion and interfacial electrochemistry (From the 180th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, Oct. 13-17, 1991, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 92-1)
A. Davenport and J.G. Gordon (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1992.


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Batteries and fuel cells for stationary and electric vehicle applications (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-8)
A.R. Landgrebe and Z. Takehara (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Battery materials (From the 7th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Tianjin, China, Nov. 1992, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 12)
H. Noguchi and J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1993.

Bioelectroanalysis, 2 (2nd Symp. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 11-15, 1992)
E. Pungor (Ed), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1993.

Capillary electrophoresis (2nd Int.Symp. York, UK, Aug. 26-28, 1992)
D.M. Goodall (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 636, No. 1, 1993.

Capillary electrophoresis and isotachophoresis (8th Int. Symp. Rome, Italy, Oct. 6-9, 1992)
P. Bocek and S. Fanali (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. 638, No. 2, 1993.

Carbonate fuel cell technology (3rd Int. Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-3)
D.A. Shores, H. Maru, I. Uchida, and J.R. Selman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Cathodic protection, theory and practice (2nd Int. Conf. Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, June, 1989)
V. Ashworth and C. Googan (Ed), Ellis Horwood, New York 1993.

Chlor-alkali and chlorate production and new mathematical and computational methods in electrochemical engineering (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-14)
T.C. Jeffery, K. Ota, J. Fenton, and H. Kawamoto (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Conducting polymers - transport phenomena (4th Int. School, Miedzylesie near Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 21-25, 1992)
J. Przyluski and S. Roth (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 122, 1993.

Corrosion, electrochemistry, and catalysis of metastable metals and intermetallics (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-30)
C. Clayton, J. Lumsden, K. Hashimoto, and T. Misawa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Corrosion protection by coatings and surface modification (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-28)
M.W. Kendig, K. Sugimoto, and N.R. Sorensen (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Chemical sensors (2nd Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-7)
M.A. Butler, A.J. Ricco, and N. Yamazoe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Electric vehicle power systems : hybrids, batteries, fuel cells (San Antonio, TX, Aug. 9-12, 1993, Society of Automotive Engineers, SP 984)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1993.

Electroanalysis (4th European Conf. ESEAC '92, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, May 31-June 3, 1992)
W.P. van Bennekom (Ed), Analitica Chemica Acta, Vol. 273, No. 1-2, 1993.

Electrochemical impedance: analysis and interpretation (From the Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, San Diego, Nov. 4-5, 1991, ASTM Special technical publication No. 1188)
J.R. Scully, D.C. Silverman, and M.W. Kendig (Ed), ASTM, Philadelphia 1993.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (2nd Int. Symp.)
D.D. MacDonald (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 38, No. 14, 1993.

Electrochemical processing of tailored materials (2nd Int. Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-12)
R.C. Alkire, N. Masuko, Y. Ito, D.R. Sadoway, and D.J. Economou (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Electrochemical technology applications in electronics (2nd Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-20)
L.T. Romankiw, M. Datta, T. Osaka, and Y. Yamazaki (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Electrochemical technology of molten salts (1st European Worksh. Sintra, Portugal, March 14-17, 1993)
C.A.C. Sequeira and G.S. Picard, Molten Salt Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland Vol. 1-2, 1993.

Electrochemically deposited thin films (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-26)
M. Paunovic, I. Ohno, and Y. Miyoshi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Electrolysis in chemicals manufacture (7th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Nov. 1993)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 1993.

Environmental aspects of electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-18)
M. Tomkiewicz, R. Haynes, H. Yoneyama, and Y. Hori (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Fast ion transport in solids (NATO Advanced Research Worksh. Belgirate, Italy, Sept. 20-26, 1992, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 250)
B. Scrosati, A. Magistris, C.M. Mari, and G. Mariotto, (Ed), Kluwer, Boston, MA 1993.

High-performance capillary electrophoresis (5th Int. Symp. Orlando, FL, Jan. 25-28, 1993)
B.L. Karger (Ed), J. Chomatography, Vol. A652, No. 1-2, 1993.

High temperature electrochemical behaviour of fast ion and mixed conductors (14th Risoe Int. Symp. On Materials Science, Sept. 6-10, 1993)
F.W. Poulsen (Ed), Riso Natl. Lab. Roskilde, Denmark 1993.

IECEC-93: Energy, environment, economics (28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Atlanta, GA, Aug. 8-13, 1993, 2 volumes)
American Chemical Society, New York 1993.

Intrinsically conducting polymers: an emerging technology (NATO Advanced Research Worksh. Burlington, Vermont, USA, Oct. 12-15, 1992, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences, Vol. 246)
M. Aldissi (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1993.

Lead-acid batteries (LABAT '93, Int. Conf. St. Konstantin, Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 1993)
D.A.J. Rand and D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 46, No. 2-3, 1993.

Lead battery (3rd European Conf. Munich, Germany, Oct. 7-9, 1992)
M.G. Mayer and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 42, No. 1-2, 1993.

Light metals 1993 (From the 122nd Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Denver, CO, Febr. 21-25, 1993)
S.K. Das (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1993.

Lithium batteries (6th Int. Symp. Munster, Germany, May 10-15, 1992)
J.O. Besenhard (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 43-44, 1993.

Lithium batteries (From the 182nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Oct. 11-16, 1992, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-24)
S. Surampudi and V.R. Koch (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Metal plating and patination: cultural, technical and historical developments (From a meeting on "Surface couloring and plating of metals" British Museum, London, June 1990)
S. La Niece and P. Craddock (Ed), Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston 1993.

Microscopic models of electrode-electrolyte interfaces (From the 182nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Oct. 11-16,1992, 1992, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-5)
J.W. Halley and L. Blum (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Molecular electrochemistry of inorganic, bioinorganic, and organometallic compounds (NATO Advanced Research Worksh. Sintra, Portugal, March 25-29, 1992, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences, Vol. 385)
A.J.L. Pombeiro and J.A. McCleverty (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1993.

Molten salt chemistry and technology (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-9)
M.-L. Saboungi, H. Kojima, J. Duruz, and D. Shores (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

New sealed rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-23)
B.M. Barnett, E. Dowgiallo, G. Halpert, Y. Matsuda, and Z-i. Takehara (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

New trends an approaches in electrochemical technology (From the 172nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 1987, and the 40th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 1989)
N. Masuko, T. Osaka, and Y. Fukunaka, Kodansha, Tokyo, and VCH, New York 1993.

New trends in photoelectrochemistry (NTP-1)
F. Decker and B. Scrosati (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 38, No. 1, 1993.

Photochemical and photoelectrochemical conversion and storage of solar energy (9th Int. Conf. IPS-9, Beijing, China, Aug. 23-28, 1992)
Z.W. Tian (Ed), International Academic, Beijing 1993.

Polymer ionics (Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug. 19-21, 1992)
O. Inganas and L. Torell (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 60, pp 1-220, 1993.

Power sources 14 (18th Int. Symp. Stratford upon Avon, UK, Apr. 19-21, 1993)
A. Attewell and T. Keily (Ed), Int. Power Sources Symp. Comm. Leatherhead, Surrey, UK 1993.

Primary and secondary battery technology and application (10th Int. Sem. Deerfield Beach, FL, March 1-4, 1993)
S.P. Wolsky and N. Marincic (Ed), Florida Educational Seminars, Boca Raton, FL 1993.

Quality management in industrial electrochemistry (1st Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-19)
D.E. Hall, Y. Kondo, and H. Kawamoto (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Redox mechanisms and interfacial properties of molecules of biological importance (5th Int. Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-11)
F. Schultz and I. Taniguchi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Solid oxide fuel cells (3rd Int. Symp. From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 93-4)
S.C. Singhal and H. Iwahara (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1993.

Solid state ionics III (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 1992, MRS Proceedings Vol. 293)
G.-A. Nazri, J.-M. Tarascon, and M. Armand (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1993.

Solid state protonic conductors (6th European Conf. Villard de Lans, France, Sept. 6-11, 1992)
C. Poinsignon and P. Aldebert (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 61, pp 1-271, 1993.

SUR/FIN '93 (80th Annual Technical Conference, of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Anaheim, CA, June 21-24, 1993)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1993.


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Battery (5th Asian Conf. Bali, Sept. 1-3, 1993)
D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 48, No. 1-2, 1994.

Battery applications and advances (9th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 11-13, 1994)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1994.

Battery materials (From the 8th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Brussels, Belgium, May 10-13 1993, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 13)
J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1994.

Bioelectrochemistry IV: nerve muscle function: bioelectrochemistry, mechanisms, bioenergetics, and control (NATO 20th Course of the International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy, Oct. 20 - Nov. 1, 1991, NATO Asi Series. Series A, Life science, Vol. 267)
B.A. Melandri, G. Milazzo, and M. Blank (Ed), Plenum, New York 1994.

Biomembrane electrochemistry (From a Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Advances in chemistry series 235)
M. Blank and I. Vodyanoy (Ed), ACS, Washington, 1994.

Capillary electrophoresis (4th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 19-20, 1993)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B657, No. 2, 1994.

Charge and field effects in biosystems-4 (4th Int. Symp. Richmond, VA, June 20-24, 1994)
M.J. Allen, S.F. Cleary, and A.E. Sowers (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1994.

Compatibility of biomedical implants (From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Fransisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-15)
P. Kovacs and N.S. Istephanous (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Electroanalysis (Int. Symp. Tribute to J.D.R. Thomas, Cardiff, Wales, UK, Apr. 6-8, 1994)
The Analyst, Vol. 119, No. 11, pp 2261-2362, 1994.

Electroanalysis in biomedical, environmental, and industrial sciences (Int. Symp. Of the Royal Society of Chemistry)
A. Fogg and B.J. Birch (Ed) The Analyst, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp 165-365, 1994.

Electroanalytical chemistry (ELACH I): developments in electrochemical methods of analysis (Freiberg/Mecklenburg, Germany, June 2-4, 1993)
G. Henze (Ed), Fresenius' J. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 349, No. 8-9, pp 349-695, 1994.

Electrochemical engineering and energy (3rd European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering, Nancy, France, March 23-25, 1994)
F. Lapicque, A. Storck, and A.A. Wragg (Ed), Plenum, New York 1994.

Electrochemistry and clean energy (From a Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Southampton, UK, Apr. 6-7, 1993)
J.A.G. Drake (Ed), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 1994.

Electrochemistry of surface processing and thin film technologies (From the 44th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Berlin, 1993)
J.W. Schultze, W. Paatsch, and W. Plieth (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 39, No. 8-9, 1994.

Electrochemistry to the year 2000 (EIRELEC "93, Adare, Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 11-15, 1993)
The Analyst, Vol. 119, No. 5, pp 715-968, 1994.

Electrochromic materials (2nd Int. Symp. From the 184th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 10-15, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-2)
K.-C. Ho and D.A. MacArthur (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Electrode materials and processes for energy conversion and storage (3rd Symp. From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Fransisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-23)
S. Srinivasan, D.D. Macdonald, and A.C. Khandkar (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Environmental electrochemistry (8th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Nov. 1994)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 1994.

Fuel cells: the science, engineering and practice of fuel cells (3rd Grove Symp. London, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1993)
A.J. Appleby, C.K. Dyer, P.T. Moseley, and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 49, 1994.

Hydrogen and metal hydride batteries (From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-27)
P.D. Bennett and T. Sakai (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

High-performance capillary electrophoresis (6th Int. Symp. San Diego, CA, Jan. 31 � Febr. 3, 1994)
B.L. Karger and S. Terabe (Ed), J. Chomatography, Vol. A680, No. 1-2, 1994.

IECEC-94 (29th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Monterey, CA, Aug. 7-11, 1987, 4 volumes)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 1994.

Ionic and mixed conducting ceramics (2nd Int. Symp. From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-12)
T.A. Ramanarayanan, W.L. Worrell, and H.L. Tuller (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Light metals 1994 (From the 123rd Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Francisco, CA, Febr. 27-March 3, 1994)
U. Mannweiler (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1994.

Lithium batteries (From the 184th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, Oct. 10-15, 1993, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-4)
N. Doddapaneni and A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Molten salts (9th Int. Symp. From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Fransisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-13)
C.L. Hussey, Y. Ito, G. Mamantov, D.A. Shores, and D.S. Newman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Oxide films on metals and alloys (7th Int. Symp. From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-25)
K.R. Hebert and G.E. Thompson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Primary and secondary battery technology and application (11th Int. Sem.Deerfield Beach, FL, Febr. 28 - March 3, 1994)
S.P. Wolsky and N. Marincic (Ed), Florida Educational Seminars, Boca Raton, FL 1994.

Progress in electrocatalysis: theory and practice (Int. Symp. Ferrara, Italy, Sept. 13-15, 1993)
S. Trasatti (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 39, No. 11-12, 1994.

(First European) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum (Lucerne, Switzerland, Oct. 3-7, 1994)
U. Bossel (Ed), European SOFC Forum Secretariat, Baden, Switzerland 1994.

Solid state ionic materials (4th Asian Conf. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, Aug. 2-6, 1994)
B.V.R. Chowdari (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1994.

Solid state ionics (9th Int. Conf. The Hague, The Netherlands, Sept. 12-17, 1993)
B.A. Boukamp, H.J.M. Bouwmeester, A.J. Burggraaf, P.J. van der Put, and J. Schoonman (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 70-71, Part I, and Vol. 72, Part II, 1994.

Space electrochemical research and technology (4th Conf. Cleveland, OH, Apr. 14-15, 1993)
M.A. Reid (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1994.

SUR/FIN '94 (81st Annual Technical Conference, of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Indianapolis, IN, June 20-23, 1994)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1994.

Synchrotron techniques in interfacial electrochemistry (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Dec. 14-18, 1992, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences Vol. 432)
C.A. Melendres and A. Tadjeddine (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1994.

Systems with fast ionic transport-IV (4th In. Symp. Warsaw, Poland, May 10-14, 1994. Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 39-40)
W. Bogusz, W. Jakubowski, and F. Krok (Ed), Trans Tech (Scitec), Switzerland 1994.

Topics in electrochemical engineering (Douglas N. Bennion Memorial Symposium, From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-22)
J.S. Newman and R.E. White (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.

Water purification by photocatalytic, photoelectrochemical, and electrochemical processes (From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-19)
T.L. Rose, B.E. Conway, O.J. Murphy, and E.J. Rudd (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1994.


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2D electrophoresis: from protein maps to genomes (Siena, Sept, 5-7, 1994)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 16, No. 7, 1995.

Advances in corrosion protection by organic coatings (2nd Int. Symp. Cambridge, UK, Sept. 1994, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 95-13)
M.W. Kendig and D. Scantlebury (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Applied electrochemical technology (9th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 1995)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 1995.

Battery applications and advances (10th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 10-13, 1995, IEEE Cat. No. 96TH8035)
H.A. Frank and H. Oman (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1995.

Battery recycling '95 (Lucerne, Switzerland, Apr. 26-28, 1995)
A. Antenan and B. Scrosati (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 57, 1995.

Capillary electrophoresis (5th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 24-25, 1994)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B669, No. 1, 1995.

Capillary electrophoresis (3rd Int. Symp. York, UK, Aug. 24-26, 1994)
D.M. Goodall and T. Threlfall (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A700, No. 1-2, 1995.

Capillary electrophoresis (9th Int. Symp. Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 5-7, 1994)
F. Kilar (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A709, No. 1, 1995.

Ceramic membranes (1st Int. Symp. From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-24)
H.U. Anderson, O. Yamamoto, A.C. Khandkar, M.-L. Liu, and J.P. Dismukes (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Copper 95, Vol. III - Electrorefining and hydrometallurgy of copper
W.C. Cooper, D.B. Dreisinger, J.E. Dutrizac, H. Hein, and G. Ugarte (Ed), Metallurgical Society, Montreal 1995.

Corrosion science: from theory to practice (H.H. Uhlig Memorial Symposium, From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-26)
F. Mansfeld, R.M. Latanision, A.I. Asphanani, and H. Bohni (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Electroanalysis (5th European Conf. ESEAC '94, Jesolo Lido, Venice, Italy, May 22-26, 1994)
Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 305, No. 1-3, 1995.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (EMCR '94, 5th Int. Symp. Sesimbra, Portugal, Sept. 5-8, 1994)
M.G.S. Ferreira and A.M.P. Simoes (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 192-194, 1995.

Electrochemical microfacbrication (2nd Int. Symp. From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-32)
M. Datta, K. Sheppard, and J.O. Dukovic (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Electrochemical processes on liquid membranes (Trest, Czech Republic, June 6-8, 1994)
V. Maracek and Z. Samec (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 40, No. 18, 1995.

Electrochemical science and technology (Hong Kong Int. Symp. Aug. 24-26, 1995)
Y.S. Fung, T.-t. Kam, and K.A. Klun (Ed), Hong Kong 1995.

Electrochemical technology applied to environmental problems (1st Symp. From the 187th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Reno, May 21-26, 1995. ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-12)
E.W. Brooman, J.M. Fenton, and C. Hamel (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Electrochemically deposited thin films (2nd Symp. From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-31)
M. Paunovic (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Electrochemistry and materials science of cathodic hydrogen absorption and adsorption (From the 185th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May 22-27, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-21)
B.E. Conway and G. Jerkiewicz (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Electromachining (11thInt. Symp. Lausanne, Switzerland, April 17-21, 1995)
J.-P. S. van Griethuysen and D. Kirtsis (Ed), Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 1995.

Electrophoresis (British Electrophoresis Soc. Meet. Aberdeen, UK, Sept. 14-15, 1994)
P. Cash (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1995.

Electrophoresis forum '94 (Int. Meet. Munich, Oct. 24-26, 1994)
B.J. Radola (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 16, No. 5, 1995.

Fundamentals of electrochemical process design: a tutorial. And: Anodic processes: fundamental and applied aspects (From the 187th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Reno, May 21-26, 1995. ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-11)
J.B. Talbot, J.M. Fenton, B.E. Conway, and B.V. Tilak (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

High performance capillary electrophoresis (7th Int. Symp. Wurzburg, Germany, Jan. 29 - Febr. 2, 1995)
H. Engelhardt (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A716-A717, 1995.

IECEC-95: Energy technologies for a sustainable future (30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Orlando, FL, July 30-Aug. 4, 1995, 3 volumes)
D.Y. Goswami, L.D. Kannberg, T.R. Mancini, and S. Somasundaram (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 1995.

Lead battery (4th European Conf. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 21-23, 1994)
D.A.J. Rand and M.G. Mayer (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 53, 1995.

Light metals 1995 (From the 124th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Las Vegas, NV, Febr. 12-16, 1995)
TMS, Warrendale, PA 1995.

Lithium batteries (7th Int. Symp. Boston, May 15-20, 1994)
J. Broadhead and M. Farley (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 54, 1995.

Materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion: batteries, capacitors, and fuel cells (From the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, Apr. 17-19, 1995, MRS Proceedings Vol. 393)
D.H. Doughty, B. Vyas, T. Takamura, and J.R. Huff (Ed), MRS, Pittsburgh, PA 1995.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 6 (Int. Symp. London, June 1-4, 1994)
R.W. Curry (Ed), The Royal Society of Chemistry (Special Publication No. 164) London 1995.

Oxygen electrochemistry (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-26)
R.R. Adzic, F.C. Anson, and K. Kinoshita (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Nanoscale probes of the solid/liquid interface (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Sophia Antipolis, France, July 10-20, 1993, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 288)
A.A. Gewirth and H. Siegenthaler (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1995.

Nanostructured materials in electrochemistry (From the 187th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Reno, May 21-26, 1995. ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-8)
P.C. Searson and G.J. Meyer (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Nanotechniques in electrochemistry (6th Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 13-16, 1994)
W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 40, No. 10, 1995.

New materials for fuel cell systems (1st Int. Symp. Montreal, Canada, July 9-13, 1995)
O. Savadogo, P.R. Roberge, and T.N. Veziroglu (Ed), L'Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal 1995.

Novel trends in electroorganic synthesis (Okayama, Japan, Sept. 24-25, and Kurashiki, Japan, Sept. 27-30, 1994)
S. Torii (Ed), Kodansha, Tokyo 1995.

Passivity of metals and semiconductors (7th Int. Symp. Clausthal, Germany, Aug. 21-26, 1994)
K.E. Heusler (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 185-188, 1995.

Power sources 15 (19th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Apr. 24-26, 1995)
A. Attewell and T. Keily (Ed), Int. Power Sources Symp. Comm. Crowborough, East Sussex, UK 1995.

Proton conducting membrane fuel cells (1st Int. Symp. From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-23)
S. Gottesfeld, G. Halpert, and A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Rechargeable lithium and lithium-ion batteries (From the 186th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Miami Beach, Oct. 9-14, 1994, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 94-28)
S. Megahed, B.M. Barnett, and L. Xie (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Science of advanced batteries (Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 8-9, 1993)
D. Scherson (Ed), Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 1995.

Solid oxide fuel cells (4th Int. Symp. Yokohama, Japan, June 18-23, 1995, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 95-1)
M. Dokiya, O. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa and S.C. Singhal (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1995.

Solid state ionics IV (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 1994, MRS Proceedings Vol. 369)
G.-A. Nazri, J.-M. Tarascon, and M. Schreiber (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1995.

Solid state ionics in Japan (20th Symp. Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 1-2, 1994)
K. Fueki, T. Kudo, and H. Iwahara (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 79, 1995.

Solid state protonic conductors (7th Int. Conf. Schwabisch Gmund, Germany, Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 1994)
K.-D. Kreuer and J. Maier (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 77, 1995.

Surface science and electrochemistry (IUVSTA Worksh. San Benedotto Del Tronto, Italy, Sept. 12-16, 1994)
S. Trasatti and K. Wandelt (Ed), Surface Science, Vol. 335, No. 1-3, 1995.

Surface structure and electrochemical reactivity (Ulm, Germany, Oct. 11-15, 1993)
D.M. Kolb (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1995.


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Baltic conference on interfacial electrochemistry
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia 1996.

Battery (6th Asian Conf. Manila, Philippines, Nov. 15-17, 1995)
D.A.J. Rand and J.E. Manders (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 59, 1996.

Battery applications and advances (11th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 9-12, 1996, IEEE Cat. No. 96TH8133)
H.A. Frank and H. Oman (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1996.

Battery materials (From the 9th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Cape Town, South Africa, March 20-22, 1995, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 15)
J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1996.

Biomedical applications of chromatography and electrophoresis (13th Symp. Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 4-7, 1995)
V. Kasicka (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B681, No. 1, 1996.

Capillary electrophoresis (6th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 23-25, 1995)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B683, No. 1, 1996.

Ceramic oxygen ion conductors and their technological applications (Ambleside, Cumbria, UK, July 19-21, 1995, British Ceramic Proceedings No. 56)
B.C.H. Steele (Ed), The Institute of Materials, London 1996.

Ceramic sensors (3rd Symp. From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-27)
H.U. Anderson, M.-L. Liu, and N. Yamazoe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Critical factors in localized corrosion (2nd Symp. From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-15)
P.M. Natishan, G.S. Frankel and R. Newman, (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Electric vehicle, EVS-13 (13th Int. Symp. Osaka, Japan, Oct. 13-16, 1996, planery sessions and proceedings, 3 vol)
Japan Electric Vehicle Association, Tokyo 1996.

Electroanalysis (6th European Conf. ESEAC '96, Durham, UK, March 25-29, 1996)
D. Parker, A.K. Covington, B.J. Birch, and A.G. Fogg (Ed), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 1996.

Electrochemical capacitors (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-29)
F.M. Delnick and M. Tomkiewicz (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (3rd Int. Symp. Ysermonde, Belgium, May 7-12, 1995)
J. Vereecken (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 41, No. 7-8, 1996.

Electrochemical noise measurements for corrosion application (1st Int. Symp. From a Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, May 15-16, 1994, ASTM Special technical publication No. 1277)
J.R. Kearns, J.R. Scully, P.R. Roberge, D.L. Reichert, and J.L. Dawson (Ed), ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA 1996.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing (4th Int. Symp. From The 189th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 5-10, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-6)
R. Woods, F.M. Doyle, and P. Richardson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Electrochemistry of electroactive polymer films, WEEPF'95 (Int. Worksh. Moscow, Apr. 7-12, 1995)
B. Tribollet and M. Vorotyntsev (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 41, No. 11-12, 1996.

Electrochemistry of organic compounds (13th Conf. Tambov, Russia, 1994)
V.A. Petrosyan (Ed), Russian J. Electrochemistry, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1996.

Electrode processes (6th Int. Symp. From the 189th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 5-10, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-8)
A. Wieckowski and K. Itaya (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Electroforming (From a meeting of the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Las Vegas, NV, March 27-29, 1996)
American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Orlando, FL 1996.

Electrophoresis forum '95 (Int. Meet. Paris, Aug. 30 � Sept. 2, 1995)
G. Peltre and B.J. Radola (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1996.

Exploratory research and development of batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles (From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-14)
W.A. Adams, B. Scrosati, and A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Fuel cells: opportunities, progress and challenges (4th Grove Symp. London, Sept. 19-22, 1995)
J. Power Sources, Vol. 61, Elsevier, New York 1996.

High performance capillary electrophoresis (8th Int. Symp. Orlando, FL, Jan. 21-25, 1996)
B.L. Karger (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A744-A745, 1996.

High rate metal dissolution processes (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-19)
M. Datta, B.R. MacDougall, and J.M. Fenton (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

High temperature electrochemistry; ceramics and metals (17th Risoe Int. Symp. on Materials Science, Sept. 2-6, 1996)
F.W. Poulsen, N. Bonanos, S. Linderoth, M. Mogensen, and B. Zachau-Christiansen (Ed), Riso Natl. Lab. Roskilde, Denmark 1996.

IECEC-96 (31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Washington, Aug. 11-16, 1996, 4 volumes)
P.R.K. Chetty, W.D. Jackson, and E.B. Dicks (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York 1996.

Light metals 1996 (including electrolytic production of aluminum and magnesium, from the 125th Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Anaheim, CA, Febr. 4-8, 1996)
W. Hale (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1996.

Lithium batteries (8th Int. Symp. Nagoya, Japan, June 16-21, 1996)
O. Yamamoto, Z. Ogumi, and M. Morita (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 68, 1997.

Materials for electrochemical power systems (Discussion of the Royal Society, London, Oct. 4-5, 1995)
R. Dell (Ed), Philosophical Transactions, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 354, No. 1712, 1996.

Molten salts (10th Int. Symp. From the 189th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 5-10, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-7)
R.T. Carlin, S. Deki, M. Matsunaga, D.S. Newman, J.R. Selman, and G.R. Stafford (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

New directions in electroanalytical processes (From the 189th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 5-10, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-9)
J. Leddy and R.M. Wightman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

New promising electrochemical systems for rechargeable batteries (NATO Advanced Research Worksh. Puscha Voditsa near Kiev, Ukraine, May 14-17, 1995, NATO ASI Series 3, High technology, Vol. 6)
V. Barsukov and F. Beck (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1996.

Rechargeable zinc batteries, commemorating the 100th birthday of A.N. Frumkin (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-14)
A.J. Salkind, F. McLarnon, and V.S. Bagotsky (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

Role of ceramics in advanced electrochemical systems (From the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, Apr. 30-May 3, 1995, Ceramic Transactions Vol. 65)
P.N. Kumta, G.S. Rohrer, and U. Balachandran (Ed), ACS Westerville, OH 1996.

Solid electrolytes: science and technology (Electronic Conf. on the Internet, June 1-30, 1995)
G.C. Farrington and C.A. Vincent (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 85, 1996.

Solid oxide fuel cell (2nd European Forum, Oslo, Norway, May 6-10, 1996)
B. Thorstensen (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 1996.

Solid state ionics (2nd Natl. Conf. Madras, India, Febr. 15-17, 1996)
K. Hariharan (Ed), Bulletin of Electrochemistry, Vol. 12, No. 11-12, pp 633-758, 1996.

Solid state ionics (10th Int. Conf. Singapore, Dec. 3-8, 1995)
B.V.R. Chowdari (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 86-88, Part I-II, 1996.

Solid state ionics: new developments (5th Biann. Conf. Kandy, Sri Lanka, Dec. 2-7, 1996)
B.V.R. Chowdari, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake and M.A. Careem (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996.

Space electrochemical research and technology (NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, May 1-3, 1995)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington 1996.

Surface oxide films (From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-18)
J.A. Bardwell (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.

The power of electrochemistry (10th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 1996)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 1996.

Thin-film solid ionic devices and materials (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-22)
J.B. Bates (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1996.


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Advances in corrosion protection by organic coatings (3rd Int. Symp. From the 97-ACPOC Meeting, Noda, Japan, Oct. 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-41)
I. Sekine, M. Kendig, and D. Scantlebury (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Aqueous batteries (From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-16)
P.D. Bennett and S. Gross (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Aqueous electrotechnologies: progress in theory and practice (From the Ann. Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Orlando, FL, Febr. 9-13, 1997)
D. Dreisinger (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1997.

Batteries for portable applications and electric vehicles (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-18)
C.F. Holmes and A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Battery applications and advances (12th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 14-17, 1997, IEEE Cat. No. 97TH8226)
H.A. Frank and E.T. Seo (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1997.

Battery materials (From the 10th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Tucson, AZ, Oct. 1-4, 1996, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 16, p. 1-251)
J. Broadhead and J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1997.

Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics (13th Int. Symp. Ein Gedi, Israel, Jan. 7-12, 1996)
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1997.

Capillary electrophoresis (4th Int. Symp. York, UK, Aug. 21-23, 1996)
D.M. Goodall and T. Threlfall (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A768, No. 1, 1997.

Capillary electrophoresis (7th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 21-23, 1996)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B695, No. 1, 1997.

Capillary electrophoresis and isotachophoresis, ITP'96 (10th Int. Symp. Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 17-20, 1996)
B. Gas, P. Bocek, and Z. Deyl (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A772, No. 1-2, 1997.

Carbonate fuel cell technology (4th Int. Symp. From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-4)
J.R. Selman, I. Uchida, H. Wendt, D.A. Shores, and T.F. Fuller (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Chemical and biological sensors and analytical electrochemical methods (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-19)
A.J. Ricco, M.A. Butler, P. Vanysek, G. Horvai, and A.F. Silva (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electric hybrid vehicles: alternative powerplants, energy management, and battery technology
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1997.

Electrochemical capacitors (2nd Symp. From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol.96-25)
F.M. Delnick, D. Ingersoll, X. Andrieu, and K. Naoi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electrochemical microsystems technology (Int. Symp. Grevenbroich, Germany, Aug. 28-30, 1996)
J.W. Schultze (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 42, No. 20-22, 1997.

Electrochemical processing technologies (11th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 1997)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 1997.

Electrochemical surface science of hydrogen adsorption and absorption (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-16)
G. Jerkiewicz and P. Marcus (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electrochemical synthesis and modification of materials (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Dec. 2-5, 1996, MRS Proceedings Vol. 451)
P.C. Andricacos, S.G. Corcoran, J.-L. Delplancke, T.P. Moffat, and P.C. Searson (Ed), MRS, Pittsburgh, PA 1997.

Electrochemically deposited thin films (3rd Symp. From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-19)
M. Paunovic and D.A. Scherson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electrochemistry in the preparation of fluorine and its compounds (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-15)
W.V. Childs and T. Fuchigami (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electrochemistry: solid vs. liquid state (Int. Worksh. Schloss Ringberg, Germany, March 4-8, 1996)
D.M. Kolb and J. Maier (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 94, 1997.

Electron and ion transfer in condensed media, theoretical physics for reaction kinetics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 15-19, 1996)
A.A. Kornyshev, M. Tosi, and J. Ulstrup (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore, 1997.

Electrochromic materials (3rd Int. Symp. From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-24)
K.-C. Ho, C.B. Greenberg, and D.A. MacArthur (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electrode materials and processes for energy conversion and storage IV (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-13)
J. McBreen, S. Mukerjee and S. Srinivasan (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Electron transfer in proteins and supramolecular assemblies at interfaces (Int. Symp. Shonan Village, Kanagawa, Japan, March 17-20, 1996)
H.B. Gray and K. Niki (Ed), J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 438, 1997.

Environmental aspects of electrochemical technology: applications in electronics (From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-21)
M. Datta, J.M. Fenton, and E.W. Brooman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Environmentally acceptable inhibitors and coatings (From the 188th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Oct. 8-13, 1995, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 95-16)
S.R. Taylor, E.W. Brooman and H.S. Isaacs (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

From genome to proteome (2nd Siena 2-D Electrophoresis Meet. Siena, Italy, Sept. 16-18, 1996)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 18, No. 3-4, 1997.

Fundamentals and potential applications of electrochemical synthesis (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-6)
R.D. Weaver, F. Fisher, F. Kalhammer, and D. Mazur (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

High performance capillary electrophoresis and related microscale techniques (9th Int. Symp. Orlando, FL, Jan. 26-30, 1997)
W.S. Hancock (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A781, No. 1-2, 1997.

IECEC-97 (32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Honolulu, July 27-Aug.1, 1997, 4 volumes)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 1997.

Lead-acid batteries (LABAT '96, Int. Conf. Varna, Bulgaria, June 3-7, 1996)
P.T. Moseley and D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 64, 1997.

Lead battery (5th European Conf. Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2-4, 1996)
M.G. Mayer and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 67, 1997.

Light metals 1997 (From the 126th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Orlando, FL, Febr. 9-13, 1997)
R. Huglen (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1997.

Light-weight materials for transportation and batteries and fuel cells for electric vehicles (CAM/E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, June 16-20, 1997)
R. Ciach (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1997.

Lithium polymer batteries (From the 190th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Oct. 6-11, 1996, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-17)
J. Broadhead and B. Scrosati (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

New materials for fuel cell systems and modern battery systems II (2nd Int. Symp. Montreal, Canada, July 6-10, 1997)
O. Savadogo and P.R. Roberge (Ed), L'Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal 1997.

Pits and pores: formation, properties and significance for advanced luminescent materials, (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-7)
P. Schmuki, D.J. Lockwood, H.S. Isaacs, and A. Bsiesy (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Photoelectrochemistry (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 96-20)
K. Rajeshwar, L.M. Peter, A. Fujishima, D. Meissner, and M. Tomkiewicz (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Power sources 16 (20th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, Apr. 21-23, 1997)
A. Attewell and T. Keily (Ed), Elsevier, New York, and J. Power Sources, Vol. 65, 1997.

Solid-liquid electrochemical interfaces (From the Int. Chem. Congr. of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Dec. 17-22, 1995, ACS symposium series, No. 656)
G. Jerkiewicz, M.P. Soriaga, K. Uosaki, and A. Wieckowski (Ed), ACS, Washington 1997.

Solid oxide fuel cells (5th Int. Symp. Aachen, June 2-5, 1997, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 97-40)
U. Stimming, S. C. Singhal, H. Tagawa, and W. Lehnert (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.

Solid state protonic conductors (8th Int. Conf. Storefjell, Gol, Norway, Aug. 18-23, 1996)
T. Norby (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 97, 1997.

SUR/FIN '97 (From the Meeting of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Detroit, MI, June 23-26, 1997)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1997.

The electrochemical double layer - commemorating fifty years of D.C. Grahame's ground-breaking paper (From the 191st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Montreal, May 4-9, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-17)
C. Korzeniewski and B.E. Conway (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1997.


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Advances in electrochemical science and technology (6th Int. Symp. Chennai, Madras, India, Nov. 26-28, 1998)
Transactions of SAEST, Vol. 33, No. 2-3, 1998.

Advances in modeling and simulation of electrochemical processes and oxygen depolarized cathodes and activated cathodes for chlor-alkali and chlorate processes (From the 193rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, May 3-8, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-10)
J.W. Van Zee, T.F. Fuller, P.C. Foller, and F. Hine (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Battery (7th Asian Conf. Penang, Malaysia, Sept. 3-5, 1997)
D.A.J. Rand and J.E. Manders (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 73, No.3. 1998.

Battery applications and advances (13th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 12-16, 1998, IEEE Cat. No. 98TH8299)
H.A. Frank and E.T. Seo (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1998.

Battery materials (From the 11th Meeting of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Singapore, Sept. 8-12, 1997, Progress in batteries and battery materials, Vol. 17, p. 1-137)
J. Broadhead and J.C. Nardi (Ed), ITE-JEC, Brunswick, OH 1998.

Capillary electrophoresis (4th Symp. Gottingen, Germany, Sept. 22-23, 1997)
C. Gittel and R. Frey (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A807, No. 1, 1998.

Capillary electrophoresis (8th Ann. Frederick Conf. Hood College, MD, Oct. 20-22, 1997)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. B714, No. 1, 1998.

Capillary electrophoresis, and other nano- and micro-scale analytical techniques (1st Asia Pacific Int. Symp. Singapore, Dec. 17-20, 1996)
S.F.Y Li and H.K. Lee (Ed), Talanta, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1998.

Clean and efficient processing: electrochemical technology for synthesis, separations, recycle, and environmental improvement (12th Int. Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Oct. 11-15, 1998)
Electrosynthesis Co. Lancaster, NY 1998.

Electrical energy storage systems applications and technologies, EESAT 98 (Int. Conf. Chester, UK, June 16-18, 1998)
EA Technology, Chester, UK 1998.

Electrocatalysis (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997)
D.A. Scherson and S. Trasatti (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol.44, No. 8-9, 1998.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (EMCR VI, 6th Int. Symp. Trento, Italy, Aug. 25-29, 1997)
P.L. Bonora and F. Deflorian (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 289-292, Part I-II, 1998.

Electrochemical processes at liquid/liquid interfaces and membranes (30th Heyrovsky Discussion, Trest, Czech Republic, June 15-20, 1997)
V. Maracek and Z. Samec (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 44, No. 1, 1998.

Electrochemical rehabilitation methods for reinforced concrete structures– a state of the art report (From a EUROCORR Meeting)
J. Mietz (Ed), IOM Communications, Stroke-on-Trent, UK 1998.

Electrochemical surface science: electrochemical surface science in the international scene (From the 212th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, Aug. 25-29, 1996)
A. Friedrich and A. Wieckowski (Ed), Colloids and Surfaces, Vol. A134, No. 1-2, 1998.

Electromachining, ISEM (12th Int. Symp. Aachen, Germany, May 11-13, 1998)
VDI, Dusseldorf 1998.

Electrophoresis '97 (Int. Meet. Seattle, WA, March 23-27, 1997)
N. Stellwagen (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol, 19, No. 8-9, 1988.

Energy and electrochemical processing for a cleaner environment (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-28)
C.W. Walton and E.J. Rudd (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Environmental issues in the electronics and semiconductor industries–and–Electrochemical and photochemical methods for pollution abatement (From the 193rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, May 3-8, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-5)
C. M. Reidsema-Simpson, L. Mendicino, K. Rajeshwar, and J. M. Fenton (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Fuel cells (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997)
E.J. Cairns (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, No. 24, 1998.

Fuel cells: investing in a clean future (5th Grove Symp. London, Sept. 22-25, 1997)
D.G. Lovering (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 71, 1998.

Fundamental aspects of electrochemical deposition and dissolution including modeling (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-27)
M. Paunovic, M. Datta, M. Matlosc, T. Osaka, and J.B. Talbot (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

High performance capillary electrophoresis and related microscale techniques (10th Int. Symp. Kyoto, Japan, July 8-11, 1997)
S. Terabe and N. Tanaka (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A802, No. 1, 1998.

High-performance capillary electrophoresis (11th Int. Symp. Orlando, FL, Febr. 1-5, 1998)
S. Fanali and B.L. Karger (Ed), J. Chomatography, Vol. A817, 1998.

Hydrogen power: theoretical and engineering solutions (HYPOTHESEIS II Symp. Grimstad, Norway, Aug. 18-22, 1997)
T.O. Saetre (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1998.

IECEC-98 (33rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Cororado Springs, CO, Aug. 2-6, 1998, CD-ROM)
American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 1998.

Impedance spectroscopy (European Worksh. Engelberg, Switzerland, May 8-10, 1997).
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol. 45, No. 2, 1998.

Ionic and mixed conducting ceramics (3rd Int. Symp. From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-24)
T.A. Ramanarayanan, W.L. Worrell, H.L. Tuller, A.C. Khandkar, M. Mogensen, and W. Gopel (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Light metals 1998 (From the 127th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Antonio, TX, Febr. 15-19, 1998)
B.J. Welch (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 1998.

Materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion II: batteries, capacitors, and fuel cells (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Dec. 1-5, 1997, MRS Proceedings Vol. 496)
D.S. Ginley, D.H. Doughty, B. Scrosati, T. Takamura, and Z. Zhang (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1998.

Metallized plastics 4: fundamentals and applications (From the 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, May 16-21, 1993)
K.L. Mittal (Ed), Dekker, New York 1998.

Metallized plastics 5-6: fundamental and applied aspects (From the 189th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 5-10, 1996, and from the joint 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997)
K.L. Mittal (Ed), VSP, Utrecht 1998.

Modern aspects of electrochemistry (3rd Indo-German Sem. Bangalore, India, Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1996)
I. Rajagopal and G.V. Subba Rao (Ed), J. Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1998.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 7 (Int. Symp. London, June 4-6, 1997)
S. Sealey (Ed), The Royal Society of Chemistry (Special Publication No. 221) Cambridge, UK 1998.

Molten salt chemistry and technology 5 (5th Int. Symp. Dresden, Germany, Aug. 24-29, 1997)
H. Wendt (Ed), Molten Salt Forum, Trans Tech. Vol. 5-6, Switzerland, 1998.

Molten salts (11th Int. Symp. From the 193rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, May 3-8, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-11)
P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long, G.R. Stafford, and S. Deki (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Novel trends in electroorganic synthesis (3rd Int. Symp. Kurashiki, Japan, Sept. 24-27, 1997)
S. Torii (Ed), Springer, Berlin, 1998.

Passivity and its breakdown (From the 192nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 97-26)
P.M. Natishan, H.S. Isaacs, M. Janik-Czachor, V.A. Macagno, P. Marcus, and M. Seo (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1998.

Polymer electrolytes (5th Int. Symp. Uppsala, Sweden, Aug. 10-16, 1996)
J. Thomas (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, No. 10-11, 1998.

Refractory metals in molten salts: their chemistry, electrochemistry and technology (NATO Partnership Sub-Series 3, High technology, Vol. 53)
D.H. Kerridge and E.G. Polyakov (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 1998.

Scales in electrochemical systems – from angstroms to meters (7th Int. Fischer Symp. Karlsruhe, Germany, June 15-19, 1997)
W.J. Lorenz (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, No. 19-20, 1998.

Solid oxide fuel cell (3rd European Forum, Nantes, June 2-5, 1998)
P. Stevens (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 1998.

Solid state ionics (11th Int. Conf. Hawaii, Nov. 16-21, 1997)
B.E. Liebert and W. Weppner (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 113-115, Part I-II, 1998, and Vol. 121, No. 1-4, 1999.

Solid state ionics: science and technology (6th Asian Conf. New Delhi, India, Nov. 29 - Dec. 4, 1998)
B.V.R. Chowdari, K. Lal, S.A. Agnihotry, N. Khare, S.S. Sekhon, P.C. Srivastava, and S. Chandra (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 1998.

SUR/FIN '98 (From the Meeting of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Minneapolis, MN, June 22-25, 1998)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1998.


Go to: Top Year index SearchESTIR Home PageECS Home Page

Applied electrochemistry for the new millennium (13th Int. Forum on Applied Electrochemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 7-11, 1999)
Electrosynthesis Co. Lancaster, NY 1999.

Battery applications and advances (14th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 12-15, 1999, IEEE Cat. No. TH8371-TBR)
H.A. Frank and E.T. Seo (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 1999.

Capillary electrophoresis (2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Symp. Dalian, China, Oct. 8-11, 1998)
B. Lin (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 20, No. 9, 1999.

Capillary electrophoresis (5th Int. Symp.) and Capillary electrochromatography (2nd Symp. York, UK, Aug. 26-28, 1998)
D.M. Goodall (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A836, No. 1, 1999.

Capillary electroseparation techniques (11th Int. Symp. Venice, Italy, Oct. 4-7, 1998)
P.G. Righetti (Ed), J. Chromatography. Vol. A838, No. 1-2, 1999.

Carbonate fuel cell technology V (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-20)
J. Uchida, K. Hemmes, G. Lindbergh, D.A. Shores, and J.R. Selman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Chemical sensors (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-23)
M.A. Butler, N. Yamazoe, P. Vanysek, and M. Aizawa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Chlor-alkali and chlorate technology: R.B. Macmullin memorial symposium (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-21)
H.S. Burney, N. Furuya, F. Hine, and K. Ota (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Commercialization of small fuel cells and the latest battery technologies for portable applications (Bethesda, MD, April 29-30, 1999)
Knowledge Foundation, Boston 1999.

Copper 99, Vol. III - Electrorefining and electrowinning of copper
Metallurgical Society, Montreal 1999.

Corrosion and reliability of electronic materials and devices (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-29)
R.B. Comizzoli, R.P. Frankenthal, and J.D. Sinclair (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Critical factors in localized corrosion III, (3rd Symp. in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Jerome Kruger, From the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-17)
R.G. Kelly, P.M. Natishan, G.S. Frankel, and R.C. Newman (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Electric and hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell technology (SAE International Future Transportation Technology Conf. (Costa Mesa, CA 1999)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 199.

Electrified interfaces (Portucalensis Conf. Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, July 5-10, 1998)
F. Silva (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 45, No. 4-5, 1999.

Electroactive polymer films, WEEPF'97 (Int. Worksh. Dourdan, France, Sept. 22-24, 1997)
C. Deslouis (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 44, No. 12, 1999.

Electroanalysis, ESEAC'98 (7th European Conf. Coimbra, Portugal, May 24-28, 1998)
C. Brett and A.M.O. Brett (Ed), Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 385, No. 1-3, 1999.

Electrochemical applications of microtechnology (2nd Int. Symp. Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 9-11, 1998)
T. Osaka (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 44, No. 21-22, 1999.

Electrochemical/chemical reactivity of novel materials (5th Int. Symp. Sendai, Japan Oct. 4-7, 1998)
K. Hashimoto (Ed), Materials Science and Engineering A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, Vol. 267, No. 2, 1999.

Electrochemical engineering (5th European Symp. Exeter, UK, March 24-26, 1999, ICHEME Symp. Ser. 145)
A.A. Wragg (Ed), Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK 1999.

Electrochemical processing in ULSI fabrication I and Interconnect and contact metallization (From the 193rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Diego, May 3-8, 1998, and the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-6)
P.C. Andricacos, J.O. Dukovic, G.S. Mathad, G.M. Oleszek, H.S. Rathore, C.Reidsema-Simpson, D.D. Snyder, and R.K. Ulrich (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Electrochemical processing in ULSI fabrication and semiconductor/metal deposition II (From the 195th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 2-6, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-9)
P.C. Andricacos, P.C. Searson, C. Reidsema-Simpson, P. Allongue, J.L. Stickney, and G.M. Oleszek (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Electrochemical techniques in bioanalysis
S.G. Weber (Ed), J. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vol. 19, No. 1-2, 1999.

Electrochemistry at nanostructured materials (From the 215th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX, March 29-April 2, 1998)
D.R. Rolison and H.S. White (Ed), Langmuir, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1999.

Electrochemistry of glass and ceramics (From the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH 1998, Ceramic Transactions Vol. 92)
S.K. Sundaram, D.F. Bickford, and E.J. Hornyak (Ed), ACS Westerville,OH 1999.

Electrochemistry of ordered interfaces (Int. Symp. Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 11-12, 1998)
K. Uosaki (Ed), J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 473, 1999.

Electrochromics, IME-3 (3rd Int. Meet. London, Sept. 77-9, 1998)
M. Green (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 44, No. 18, 1999.

Electrorefining and electrowinning of copper (Copper 99-Cobre 99 Int. Conf. Vol. III, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Oct. 10-13, 1999)
J E Dutrizac, J Ji, and V Ramachandran (Ed), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, Pa. 1999.

From genome to proteome (3rd Siena 2-D Electrophoresis Meet. Siena, Italy, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 1998)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 20, No. 4-5, 1999.

Fundamental aspects of electrolytic metal deposition (5th Ulmer Elektrochemische Tage, June 23-24, 1997)
Z. Phys. Chem. Vol. 208, Part I/II, 1999.

High performance capillary electrophoresis and related microscale techniques (12th Int. Symp. Palm Springs, CA, Jan. 23-28, 1999)
E.S. Yeung (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A853, No. 1-2, 1999.

IECEC-99 (34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 2-5, 1999, CD-ROM)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 1999.

Impedance spectroscopy, EIS'98 (4th Int. Symp. Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 1998)
O.R. Mattos (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 44, No. 24, 1999.

Lead-acid batteries (LABAT '99, Int. Conf. Sofia, Bulgaria, June 7-10, 1999)
P.T. Moseley and D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 85, No. 1, 1999.

Lead battery (6th European Conf. Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 22-25, 1998)
M.G. Mayer, P.T. Moseley, and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 78, No. 1-2, 1999.

Lithium batteries (IMLB9, 9th Int. Symp. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 12-17, 1998)
J.T.S. Irvine and F.M. Gray (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 81-82, 1999.

Lithium batteries (From the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-16)
S. Surampudi and R. A. Marsh (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Luigi Galvani (Int. Worksh. Bologna, Italy, Oct. 9, 1998)
M. Bresadola and G. Pancaldi (Ed), University of Bologna, Bologna 1999.

Molecular functions of electroactive thin films (From the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-26)
N. Oyama and V. Birss (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

New directions in electroanalytical chemistry II (2nd Int. Symp. From the 195th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 2-6, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-5)
J. Leddy, P. Vanysek, and M.D. Porter (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

New materials for fuel cell systems and modern battery systems III (3rd Int. Symp. Montreal, Canada, July 4-8, 1999)
O. Savadogo (Ed), L'Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal 1999.

New materials for solar, hydrogen, fuel cell, and batteries (2nd Int. Symp. Cancun, Mexico, 1998)
P.J. Sebastian (Ed), Solar energy materials & solar cells, Vol. 59, No. 1-2, 1999.

Passivity and localized corrosion: Int. Sym. in honor of Professor Norio Sato (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-27)
R.G. Kelly, B. MacDougall, M. Seo, and H. Takahashi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Portable fuel cells (Lucerne, Switzerland, June 21-24, 1999)
F.N. Buchi (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 1999.

Power sources 17 (21st Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, May 10-12, 1999)
A. Attewell and T. Keily (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 80, No. 1-2, 1999, and Elsevier, New York 1999.

Proton conducting membrane fuel cells II (2nd. Symp. From the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-27)
S. Gottesfeld and T.E. Fuller (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Selected battery topics (From the 194th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, Nov. 1-6, 1998, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 98-15)
W.R. Cieslak, et al. (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Semiconducting polymers: applications, properties, and synthesis (From the 215th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, March 29-30, 1998, ACS symposium series 735)
B.R. Hsieh and Y. Wei(Ed), ACS, Washington 1999.

Small fuel cells for portable applications
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 1999.

Solid oxide fuel cells VI (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-19)
S.C. Singhal and M. Dokiya (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Solid-state ionic devices (From the 195th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 2-6, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-13)
E.D. Wachsman, J.R. Akridge, M. Liu, and N. Yamazoe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.

Solid state ionics V (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Nov. 28 - Dec.3, 1998, MRS Proceedings Vol. 548)
G.-A. Nazri, C. Julien, and A. Rougier (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 1999.

Solid state protonic conductors, SSPC-9 (9th Int. Conf. Bled, Slovenia, Aug. 17-21, 1998)
G. Lahajnar, J. Dolinsek, and R. Blinc (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 125, 1999.

SUR/FIN '99 (From the Meeting of The American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Inc. (AESF) Cincinnati, OH, June 21-24, 1999)
AESF, Orlando, FL 1999.

Tutorials in electrochemical engineering-mathematical modeling (From the 195th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 2-6, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-14)
R.F. Savinell, J.M. Fenton, A.C. West, S.L. Scanlon, and J. Weidner (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 1999.


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Advances in R&D for the commercialization of small fuel cells and battery technologies for use in partable applications (2nd Conf. New Orleans, LA, Apr. 26-28, 2000)
Knowledge Foundation, Boston, MA 2000.

Battery (8th Asian Conf. Bangkok, Thailand, Sept. 8-10, 1999)
D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 88, No. 1, 2000.

Battery applications and advances (15th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 11-14, 2000, IEEE Cat. No. TH8490-TBR)
R.S.L. Das and H.A. Frank (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 2000.

Bioelectrochemistry (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Southampton, July 17-19, 2000, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 116)
The Royal Society of Chemistry, London 2000.

Capillary electrophoresis (10th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 18-20, 1999)
Z. El-Rassi (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 21, No. 10, 2000.

Chlor-alkali plant operations seminar (chronological index)
Chlorine Institute, Washington, DC 2000.

Chlor-alkali plant operations seminar (43rd meet. Houston, TX, March 22, 2000)
Chlorine Institute, Houston, TX 2000.

Corrosion and corrosion control in saltwater environments (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-26)
P.M. Natishan, S. Ito, D.A. Shifler, and T. Tsuru (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Diamond materials VI (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-32)
J.C. Angus, W.D. Brown, and A. Gicquel (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Electric, hybrid, fuel cell and alternative fuel vehicles (Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 25-27, 2000)
ISATA-D�sseldorf Trade Fair, Epsom 2000.

Electroactive polymers, EAP (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 1999, MRS Proceedings Vol. 600)
Q.M. Zhang, T. Furukawa, Y. Bar-Cohen, and J. Scheinbeim (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2000.

Electroceramics in Japan III (19th Electronics Div. Meeting, Ceramic Society of Japan, Kawasaki, Japan, Oct. 28-29, 1999)
N. Murata, K. Shinozaki, and T. Kimura (Ed), Trans Tech, Switzerland 2000.

Electrochemical approach to selected corrosion and corrosion control studies (From the 50th ISE Meting, Pavia, Italy, Sept. 1999, Eur. Fed. Corros. Publ. 2000; 28)
P.L. Bonora and F. Deflorian (Ed), IOM Communications, London 2000.

Electrochemical technology applications in electronics III (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-34)
C. Madore, T. Osaka, L.T. Romankiw, and Y. Yamazaki (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Electrochemical technology for the 21st century (14th Int. Forum on Applied Electrochemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 2000)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 2000.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing V (5th Int. Symp. From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-14)
R. Woods and F.M. Doyle (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Electrophoresis, ICES '99 (Meeting of the International Council of Electrophoresis Societies, Omoyasonic, Japan, May 25-27, 1999)
N. Hashimoto, T. Manabe, K. Nakamura, and K. Taketa (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2000.

Environmental aspects of electrochemical technology (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-39)
E.J. Rudd and C.W Walton (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Fuel cell 2000 (Int. Conf. Lucerne, Switzerland, July 10-14, 2000)
L. Blomen (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2000.

(The) fuel cell home (Int. Conf. Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2001)
M. Nurdin (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Switzerland 2000.

Fuel cell power for transportation 2000 (SAE 2000 World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 6-9, 2000, SAE/SP-00/1505)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2000.

Fuel cells: the competitive option for sustainable energy supply (6th Grove Symp. London, Sept. 13-16, 1999)
D.G. Lovering (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 86, 2000.

Fullerenes 2000 Volume 8 – Electrochemistry and photochemistry (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-10)
S. Fukuzumi, F. D'Souza, and D.M. Guldi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Fundamental aspects of electrochemical deposition and dissolution (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-33)
M. Matlosz, D. Landolt, R. Aogaki, Y. Sato, and J.B. Talbot (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

High performance capillary electrophoresis and related microscale techniques (13th Int. Symp. Saarbrucken, Germany, Febr. 20-24, 2000)
H. Engelhardt (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A894-A895, 2000.

Hydrogen at surfaces and interfaces (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-16)
G. Jerkiewicz, J.M. Feliu, and B.N. Popov (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

IECEC-�00 (35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Las Vegas, NV, July 24-29, 2000, 2 volumes)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York 2000.

Intercalation compounds for battery materials (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-24)
G.-A. Nazri, M. Thackeray, and T. Ohzuku (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Light metals 2000 (From the 129th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Nashville, March 12-16, 2000)
R.D. Peterson (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2000.

Lithium batteries (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-25)
S. Surampudi, R.A. Marsh, Z. Ogumi, and J. Prakash (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Localized in-situ methods for investigating electrochemical interfaces (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-28)
S.R. Taylor, A.C. Hillier, and M. Seo (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Materials for lithium-ion batteries (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Sept. 21-Oct. 1, 1999, NATO Partnership Sub-Series 3, High technology, Vol. 85)
C. Julein and Z. Stoynov (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 2000.

Micro power sources (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-3)
K. Zaghib and S. Surampudi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Molten salts XII (From the 196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 17-22, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-41)
P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long, G.R. Stafford, and S. Deki (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

New directions in organic electrochemistry: the 4th Int. Manuel M. Bazier Symp. in honor of J. Simonet and J.W.P. Utley (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-15)
A.J. Fry and Y. Matsumara (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

New materials for batteries and fuel cells (From the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 5-8, 1999, MRS Proceedings Vol. 575)
D.H. Doughty, L.F. Nazar, M. Arakawa, H.-P. Brack, and K. Naoi (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2000.

Oxide films (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-4)
K.R. Hebert, R.S. Lillard, and B.R. MacDougall (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Oxygen ion and mixed conductors and their technological applications (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, Sicily, Italy, July 15-30, 1997, NATO ASI Series E, Applied sciences Vol. 368)
H.L. Tuller, J. Schoonman, and I. Riess (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 2000.

Pits and pores II: formation properties and significance for advanced materials (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-25)
P. Schumki, D.J. Lockwood, Y.H. Ogata, and H.S. Isaacs (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Polymer electrolytes (ISPE-6, 6th Int. Symp. Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, Nov. 1-6, 1998)
M. Watanabe (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 45, No. 8-9, 2000.

Processing and characterization of electrochemical materials and devices (From the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, Apr. 25-28, 1999, Ceramic Transactions Vol. 109)
P.N. Kumta, A.Manthiram, S.K. Sundaram, and Y.-M. Chiang (Ed), ACS, Westerville, OH 2000.

Proteomics Forum '99 (From a meeting of the German Electrophoresis Society, Munich, Germany, Oct. 25-27, 1999)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 21, No.13, 2000.

Rechargeable lithium batteries (Int. Symp. Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 14-16, 1999)
B. Scrosati, Y. Takeda, and Z. Ogumi (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 90, No. 1, 2000.

Scanning probe microscopy for electrode characterization and nanometer scale modification (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-35)
D.C. Hansen, H.S. Isaacs, K. Sieradzki, and M.D. Porter (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2000.

Solid oxide fuel cell (4th European Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 10-14, 2000)
A.J. McEvoy (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2000.

Solid state ionics (12th Int. Conf. Halkidiki, Greece, June 6-12, 1999)
C.G. Vayenas, S.I. Bebelis, M.P. Stoukides, H. Iwahara, and W. Worrell (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 135-137, 2000.

Solid state ionics: materials and devices (7th Asian Conf. Fozhou, China, Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 2000)>br> B.V.R. Chowdari and W. Wang (Ed), World Scientific, Singapore 2000.

Solid state lithium battery workshop (Towson, MD, USA, July, 1999)
A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 89, No. 2, 2000.


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Advanced batteries and super capacitors (From the 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2-7, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-21)
G. Nazri, R. Koetz, B. Scrosati, and E.S. Takeuchi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Artificial chemical sensing: Olfaction and the electronic nose-ISOEN 2001 (From the 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 25-29, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-15)
J. Stetter and W.R. Penrose (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Battery applications and advances (16th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 9-12, 2001, IEEE Cat. No. 01TH8533)
R.S.L. Das and H.A. Frank (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 2001.

Capillary electrophoresis (20th Symp. Awaji, Yumebutai, Hyogo, Japan, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2000)
Y. Baba, K. Otsuka, and A. Shibukawa (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 22, No. 16, 2001.

Chemical and biological sensors and analytical methods II (From the 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2-7, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-18)
M.A. Butler, P. Vanysek, and N. Yamazoe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Chemistry and electrochemistry of corrosion and corrosion cracking (Symp. honoring R.W. Staehle)
R.H. Jones (Ed), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Chlor-alkali plant operations seminar (44th meet. New Orleans, LA, March 14, 2001)
Chlorine Institute, Washington, DC 2001.

Corrosion and corrosion protection (From the 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2-7, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-22)
J.D. Sinclair, E. Kalman, W. Plieth, and R.P. Frankenthal (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Corrosion and corrosion prevention of low density metals and alloys (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-23)
B.A. Shaw, R.G. Buchheit, and J.P. Moran (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Direct methanol fuel cells (From the 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 25-29, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-4)
S. Narayanan, S. Gottesfeld, and T. Zawodzinski (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Electroactive polymers and rapid prototyping (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Nov. 26-30, 2001, MRS Proceedings Vol. 698)
Y. Bar-Cohen, D.B. Chrisey, Q.M. Zhang, S. Bader, E. Fukada, and S.C. Danforth (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Electroanalysis, roots and visions, ESEAC 2000 (8th Int. Conf. Bonn, Germany, June 11-15, 2000)
H. Emons (Ed), Electroanalysis, Vol. 13, No. 8-9, 2001.

Electrochemical and chemical reactivity of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials (6th Int. Symp. Mt-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, Febr. 7-9, 2001)
R. Schulz (Ed), Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 377, 2001.

Electrochemical micro- and nano-system technologies (3rd Int. Symp. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 10-15, 2000),br. J.W. Schultze and G. Staikow (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 2001.

Electrochemistry – a frontier field of theoretical and practical importance (2nd Int. Symp. Bucharest, Romania, Sept. 13-15, 2001)
Sci. Bull. - Univ. Politech. Bucharest, Ser. B, Vol. 63, No. 3, 2001.

Electrochemistry and interfacial chemistry for the environment (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Worksh. Coimbra, Portugal, April 6-7, 2001)
C. Brett (Ed), Pure Appl. Chem. Vol. 73, No. 12, 2001.

Electrochemistry for a sustainable future (15th Int. Forum on Applied Electrochemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, Nov. 2001)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 2001.

Electrochemistry for environmental restoration, ERA 2000 (Reggio Calabria, Italy, June 18-20, 2000)
Ann. Chim. (Rome), Vol. 91, No. 3-4, 2001.

Electrophoresis (Meeting of the British Electrophoresis Society, York, UK, Oct. 5-6, 2000)
R. Banks (Ed), Proteomics, Vol. 1, No. 6, 2001.

Electrophoresis (7th Ann. Conf. Australian Electrophoresis Society, Sydney, Nov. 9-10, 2001)
C. dos Remedios (Ed), Proteomics, Vol. 1, No. 12, 2001.

Energy and electrochemical processes for a cleaner environment (From the 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2-7, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-23)
C.M. Doyle, C. Comninellis, and J. Winnick (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

From genome to proteome (4th Siena 2-D Electrophoresis Meet. Siena, Italy, Sept. 2-7, 2000)
M.J. Dunn (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 22, No. 9, 2001.

Fuel cells and alternative fuels/energy systems (From the Society of Automotive Engineers Future Transportation Technology Conference, 2001, SAE/SP-1635)
SAE, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Fuel cell power for transportation 2001 (SAE 2001 World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 5-8, 2001, SEA/SP-1589)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Fuel cell technology for vehicles (SEA-PT 84)
R. Stobart (Ed), Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Global climate change: a coordinated response by electrochemistry and solid- state science and technology (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-20)
A. Wieckowski, E.W. Brooman, T.F. Fuller, E.J. Rudd, and J. Leddy (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

IECEC-�01 (36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Savannah, GA, July 29 � Aug. 2, 2001, 2 volumes)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2001.

Ionic and mixed conducting ceramics IV, (From the 200th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, and the 48th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2-7, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-28)
T.A. Ramanarayanan, W.L. Worrell, and M. Mogensen (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Interfaces, phenomena, and nanostructures in lithium batteries (Int. Worksh. Argonne, IL, Dec. 11-13, 2000, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 2000-36)
A.R. Landgrebe and R.J. Klingler (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Interfacial phenomena in batteries (Int. Conf. Rome, Italy, Dec. 12-15, 1999)
B. Scrosati (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2001.

Lead battery (7th European Conf. Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 19-22, 2000)
P.T. Moseley, K. Peters, and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 95, No. 1-2, 2001.

Light metals 2001 (From the 130th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, New Orleans, Febr. 11-15, 2001)
J.L. Anjier (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2001.

Lithium batteries (IMLB-10, 10th Int. Symp. Como, Italy, May 28-June 2, 2000, also published as Electrochemical Society SV 2000-38)
B. Scrosati (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 97-98, 2001.

Magnetic materials, processes, and devices VI (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-29)
S. Krongelb, L.T. Romankiw, C.H. Ahn, J.-W. Chang, and W. Schwarzacher (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Metallized plastics 7: fundamental and applied aspects (Newark, NJ, Dec. 2-3, 1999)
K.L. Mittal (Ed), VSP, Utrecht 2001.

Modern chlor-alkali technology, Vol. 8 (London Int. Symp. London, May 31-June 2, 2000)
J. Moorhouse (Ed), The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 2001.

Morphological evolution in electrodeposition and electrochemical processing in ULSI fabrication IV (From the 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 25-29, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-8)
P.C. Allongue, P.C. Andricacos, F. Argoul, D.P Barkey, J.C. Bradley, K. Kondo, P.C Searson, C. Reidsma-Simpson, J.L Stickney, and G.M. Oleszek (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

New trends in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical noise analysis (ENA) (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-24)
F. Mansfeld, F. Huet, and O. Mattos (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Passivity of metals and semiconductors (8th Int. Symp. Jasper, Alberta, Canada, May 9-15, 1999, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 99-42)
M.B. Ives, J.L. Luo, and J.R. Rodda (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC (1st European Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2001)
F.N. Buchi, G.G. Scherer, and A. Wokaun (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Switzerland 2001.

Polymer electrolytes (ISPE-7, 7th Int. Symp. Noosa, Queensland, Australia, Aug. 6-11, 2000)
M. Forsyth (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 46, No. 10-11, 2001.

Power sources for the new millennium (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-22)
M.A. Ryan, S. Surampudi, and M. Jain (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Power sources 18 (22nd Int. Symp. Manchester, UK, April 9-11, 2001)
A. Attewell (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 96, No. 1, 2001, and Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001.

Reactive intermediates in organic and biological electrochemistry (From the 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 25-29, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-14)
D.G. Peters, H.J. Schafer, M.S. Workentin, and J. Yoshida (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Rechargeable lithium batteries (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-21)
M. Doyle, E.S. Takeuchi, and K.M. Abraham (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Scaling down in electrochemistry: electrochemical micro- and nano-system technology (3rd Int. Symp. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 11-15, 2000)
J.W. Schultze and G. Staikov (Ed), Elsevier, New York 2001.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (2nd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2001.

Solid-liquid interface theory (From the 218th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, Aug. 22-26, 1999, ACS symposium series 789)
J.W. Halley (Ed), ACS, Washington 2001.

Solid oxide fuel cells VII (7th Int. Symp. Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, June 3-8, 2001, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 2001-16)
H. Yokokawa and S.C. Singhal (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Solid state ionic devices II, Ceramic sensors (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-32)
E.D. Wachsman, W. Weppner, E. Traversa, M. Liu, P. Vanysek, and N. Yamazoe (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

Solid state protonic conductors, SSPC-10 (10th Int. Conf. Montpellier, France, Sept. 24-28, 2000)
J. Roziere, D. Jones, and M. Tillard (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 145, 2001.

State-of-the-art application of surface and interface analysis methods to environmental material interactions: in honor of James E. Castle's 65th year (From the 199th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, May 25-29, 2001, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2001-5)
D.R. Baer, C.R. Clayton, G.P. Halada, and G.D. Davis (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001.

The fuel cell home (Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2001)
M. Nurdin (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2001.


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Electrochemical capacitor and hybrid power systems (From the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-7)
R.J. Brodd, D.H. Doughty, J.H. Kim, M. Morita, K. Naoi, G. Nagasubramanian and C. Nanjundiah, (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Battery (9th Asian Conf. Bali, Indonesia, Sept. 12-14, 2001)
P.T. Moseley and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 107, No. 2, 2002.

Battery applications and advances (17th Ann. Conf. Long Beach, CA, Jan. 15-18, 2002)
R.S.L. Das and H.A. Frank (Ed), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ 2002.

Capillary electrophoresis (12th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Oct. 15-16, 2001)
H.J. Issaq (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 23, No. 11, 2002.

Chlor-alkali plant operations seminar (45th meet. Dallas, TX, March 13, 2002)
Chlorine Institute, Washington, DC 2002.

Cleaner technology - challenges and solutions (16th Int. Forum on Applied Electrochemistry, Amelia Island, FL, Nov. 2002)
The Electrosynthesis Company, Lancaster, NY 2002.

Corrosion science: a retrospective and current status, in honor of Robert P. Frankenthal (From the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-13)
G. Frankel, H.S. Isaacs, J.R. Scully, and J.D. Sinclair (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Development of advanced battery engineering models (Worksh. Alexandria, VA, Aug. 14-16, 2001)
A.R. Landgrebe (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 110, No. 2, 2002.

Electroanalytical methods - ELACH 5 (Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 30 Oct. 4 2001)
J. Heinze (Ed), Anal. Bioanal. Chem. Vol. 378, No. 8, 2002.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Marivella Meeting, Trento, Italy, June 2001)
F. Deflorian (Ed), J. Applied Electrochemistry, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2002.

Electrochemical processing in ULSI fabrication III (From the 197th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-8)
P.C. Andricacos, J.L. Stickney, P.C. Searson, C. Reidsema-Simpson, and G.M. Oleszek (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Electrochemical science and technology of copper (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-30)
P. Vanysek, M. Alodan, J. Lipkowski, and O.M. Magnussen, (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Electrophoresis (18th Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Societiy, Reno, Nevada, Nov. 4-8, 2001)
K.H. Lee and F.A. Witzman (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 23, No. 14, 2002.

Electrophoresis, ICES '01 (Meeting of the International Council of Electrophoresis Societies, Verona, Italy, June 10-13, 2001)
P.G. Righetti (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2002.

Electrophoretic deposition: fundamentals and applications (1st Int. Conf. Banff, Canada, cosponsored by The Electrochemical Society, Aug. 18-22, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-21)
A.R. Boccaccini, O. Van der Biest, and J.B. Talbot (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Electrified interfaces (9th Int. Symp. Non Traditional Methods, Wolfville, NS, Canada, July 8-13, 2001)
S.G. Roscoe and J. Lipkowski (Ed), J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 524-525, 2002.

Environmental electrochemistry: analyses of trace element biogeochemistry (From the 200th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, Aug., 2000, ACS symposium series 811)
M. Taillefert and T.F. Rozan (Ed), ACS, Washington 2002.

From biology to pathology: the proteomics perspective (Meeting of the British Electrophoresis Society, York, UK, Apr. 4-6, 2001)
R. Banks (Ed), Proteomics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2002.

Fuel cell power for transportation 2002 (SAE 2002 World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 4-7, 2002, SEA/SP-1691)
J.G. Reinkingh, R. Stobart, and G.M. Crosbie (Ed), Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2002.

Fuel cells (7th Grove Symp. London, Sept. 11-13, 2001)
P.T. Moseley (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 106, 2002.

Fuel cell technology: opportunities and challenges (AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2002)
G.J. Igwe and D. Mah (Ed), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York 2002.

High temperature materials (Symp. in honor of the 65th birthday of Wayne L. Worrell, from the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-5)
S.C. Singhal (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

IECEC-�02 (37th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conf. Washington, July 29-31, 2002)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 2002.

Interfacial kinetics and electrochemistry (Ringberg Worksh. Tegernsee, Germany, 2000)
D.M. Kolb and J. Maier (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 150, No. 1-2, 2002.

Light metals 2002 (From the 131st Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Seattle, WA, Febr. 17-21, 2002)
W.A. Schneider (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2002.

Materials for advanced batteries and fuel cells (From the Int. Conf. Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2001, Singapore, July 1-6, 2001)
B.V.R. Chowdari (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 148, No. 3-4, 2002.

Materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage (From the 102nd and 103rd Annual Meetings of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO, Apr.29-May 3, 2000 and Indianapolis, IN, Apr. 22-25, 2001, Ceramic Transactions Vol. 127)
A. Manthiram, P.N. Kumta, S.K. Sundaram, and G. Ceder (Ed), ACS, Westerville, OH 2002.

Materials for energy storage, generation and transpot (From the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2-4, 2002, MRS Proceedings Vol. 730)
R.B. Schwarz, G. Ceder, and S.A. Ringel (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2002.

Molten salts: from fundamentals to applications (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Kas, Turkey, May 4-14, 2001, NATO Science Series II, Mathematics, physics and chemistry, Vol. 52)
M. Gaune-Escard (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 2002.

Molten salts XIII (From the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-19)
P.C. Trulove, H.C. DeLong, R.A. Mantz, G.R. Stafford, and M. Matsunaga, (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Organic electrochemistry (5th Int. Manuel M. Baizer Symp. Symp. From the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-10)
M. Workentin, F. Maran, and K. Chiba (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

Polymer electrolytes (PES2001, Noorderwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 14-16, 2001)
S.W. de Leeuw (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 147, No. 3-4, 2002.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (3rd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2002.

Solid oxide fuel cell (5th European Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 1-5, 2002)
J. Huijsmans (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2002.

Solid state ionics–2002 (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2002, MRS Proceedings Vol. 756)
P. Knauth, J.-M. Tarascon, E. Traversa, and H.L. Tuller (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2002.

Spectroscopic tools for the analysis of electrochemical systems (From the 195th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 2-6, 1999, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 99-15)
J. McBreen and D.A. Scherson (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2002.

The dynamic electrode surface (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Berlin, Germany, April 15-17, 2002, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 121)
The Royal Society of Chemistry, London 2002.

The fuel cell world (Lucerne, Switzerland, July 1-5, 2002)
M. Nurdin (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2002.

Thin films: preparation, characterization and applications (From the 221st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, April 1-5, 2001)
M.P. Soriaga, J. Stickney, L.A. Bottomley, and Y.-G. Kim (Ed), Kluwer, Boston 2002.


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Advances in chromatography and electrophoresis & chiranal 2002 (Olomouc, Czech Republic, July 24-27, 2002)
S. Fanali (Ed), J. separation science; Vol. 26, No. 8, 2003.

Aqueous and electrochemical processing (Yazawa International Symposium)
F. Kongoli, K. Itagaki, C. Yamauchi, and H.Y. Sohn (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Conducting polymers and polymer electrolytes: from biology to photovoltaics (From the 219th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, March 26-30, 2000, ACS symposium series 832)
J.F. Rubinson and H.B. Mark (Ed), ACS, Washington 2003.

Copper 2003, Vol. V - Electrorefining and electrowinning of copper
J.E. Dutrizac and C. Clement (Ed), Metallurgical Society, Montreal 2003.

Corrosion and protection of light metal alloys (From the 204th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct. 12-17, 2003, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2003-23)
R.G. Buchheit, R.G. Kelly, N.A. Missert, and B.A. Shaw (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Critical factors in localized corrosion IV (Symp. in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Hans Bohni, From the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 20-25, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-24)
S. Virtanen, P. Schmuki, and G.S. Frankel (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2002 (9th Int. Conf. Krakow, Poland, June 9-13, 2002)
Z. Stojek and A. Lewenstam (Ed), Electroanalysis, Vol. 15, No. 5-6, 2003.

Electrocatalysis: from theory to industrial applications (4th Int. Conf. Como, Italy, Sept. 22-23, 2002)
S. Trasatti (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 48, No. 25-26, 2003.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (5th Int. Symp. Trento, Italy,June 17-22, 2001)
F. Deflorian and G. Bierwagen (Ed), Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2003.

Electrochemical sensors (Int. Conf. Matrafured, Hungary, Oct. 13-18, 2002)
E. Pretsch, K. Toth, E. Bakker, and P. Buehlmann (Ed), Electroanalysis, Vol. 15, No. 15-16, 2003.

Electrochemistry and electrocatalysis (XIII SIBEE Symp. Araraquara, Brazil, Dec. 1-5, 2002)
M.V. Boldrin Zanoni and S.I.C. de Torresi (Ed), J. Brazilian Chemical Soc. Vol. 14, No. 4, 2003.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing VI (6th Int. Symp. From the 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, Apr. 27-May 2, 2003, ECS Poceedings, Vol. 2003-18)
F.M. Doyle, G.H. Kelsall, and R. Woods (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Electrochemistry in molecular and microscopic dimensions (From the 53rd Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Dusseldorf, Germany, Sept. 15-20, 2002)
J.W. Schultze and G. Staikov (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 48, No. 20-22, 2003.

Electrochemistry of carbon materials (From the 198th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AR, Oct. 22-27, 2000, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2000-34)
K. Zaghib, D. Belanger, and M.T. McDermott (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Electrochemistry of organic compounds (15th Meet. Astrakhan, Russia, Sept. 2002)
A.P. Tomilov, V.A. Petrosyan, and V.P. Gultyai (Ed), Russian J. Electrochem. Vol. 39, No. 11, 2003.

Fuel cell power for transportation 2003 (Society of Automotive Engineers 2003 World Congr. Detroit, MI, March 3-6, 2003, SAE/SP-1741)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Fuel cells: technology, alternative fuels, and fuel processing (Society of Automotive Engineers, International Future Transportation Technology Conf. Costa Mesa, CA, June 23-25, 2003, SP-1790)
SAE, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Hybrid vehicle and energy storage technologies (Society of Automotive Engineers International Future Transportation Technology Conference, Costa Mesa, California, June 23-25, 2003, SP-1789)
SAE, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Lead-acid batteries (LABAT '02, Int. Conf. Varna, Bulgaria, June 10-13, 2002)
P.T. Moseley and D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 113, No. 2, 2003.

Lead battery (8th European Conf. Rome, Italy, Sept. 10-13, 2002)
P.T. Mosely, D.A.J. Rand, and K. Peters (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 116, No. 1-2, 2003.

Light metals 2003 (From the 132nd Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003)
P.N. Crepeau (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Lithium batteries (11th Int. Meet. Monterey, CA, June 22-28, 2002).
F. McLarnon (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 119-121, 2003.

Magnetic materials, processes and devices VII and electrodeposition of alloys (From the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 20-25, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-27)
S. Krongelb, L.T. Romankiw, J.-W. Chang, Y. Kitamoto, J.W. Judy, C. Bonhote, G. Zangari, and W. Schwarzacher (Ed), ), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Materials processing for nanostructured devices 2001 (Int. Symp. Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 16-19, 2001)
Y. Ito and L.M. Peter (Ed), J. Electroanal. Chem. Vol. 559, 2003.

Mechanistic and synthetic aspects of organic and biological electrochemistry (From the 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, Apr. 27-May 2, 2003, ECS Poceedings, Vol. 2003-12)
D.G. Peters, J. Simonet, and H. Tanaka (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Micropower and microdevices (From the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 20-25, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-25)
E.J. Brandon, A. Ryan, J. Harb, and R. Ulrich (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

New developments in electrode kinetics (2nd Gerischer Symp. Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, June 26-28, 2002)
D.M. Kolb and F. Willig (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2003.

New trends in intercalation compounds for energy storage conversion (From the 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, Apr. 27-May 2, 2003, ECS Poceedings, Vol. 2003-20)
K. Zaghib, C.M. Julien, and J. Prakash (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC (2nd European Forum, 2003)
D. Stolten (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2003.

Polymer electrolytes, ISPE8 (8th Int. Symp. Santa Fe, NM, May 19-24, 2002)
S.G. Greenbaum (Ed), Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 48, No. 14-16, 2003.

Scientific advances in fuel cell systems (Amsterdam, Sept. 25-26, 2002)
P.T. Mosely (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 118, 2003.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (4th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2003.

Solid oxide fuel cells VIII, SOFC-VIII (From the 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, Apr. 27-May 2, 2003, ECS Poceedings, Vol. 2003-07)
C. Singhal and M. Dokiya (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Solid state ionic devices III (From the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 20-25, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-26)
E.D. Wachsman, K. Swider-Lyons, M.F. Carolan, F.H. Garzon, M. Liu, and J.R. Stetter (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003.

Solid state ionics-2002 (MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Dec. 2-5, 2002, MRS symposium proceedings Vol. 756)
P. Knauth and H.A. Gasteiger (Ed), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2003.

Solid state protonic conductors, SSPC-11 (11th Int. Conf. Guildford, UK, Aug. 27-30, 2002)
R.C.T. Slade and J.R. Varcoe (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 162-163, 2003.

The fuel cell world (Lucerne, Switzerland, 2003)
U. Bossel (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2003.


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Analytical, mechanistic, and synthetic organic electrochemistry (6th Int. Manuel M. Baizer Symp. in honor of D.H. Evans and M. Tokuda, From the 205th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, TX, May 9-13, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-10)
J. Lessard, P. Hapiot, and I. Taniguchi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Capillary chromatography and electrophoresis (26th Int. Symp. Las Vegas, NV, May 18-22, 2003)
M.L. Lee (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A1027, No. 1-2, 2004.

Capillary electrophoresis, proteomics (14th Ann. Conf. Frederick, MD, Nov. 3-4, 2003)
T.D. Veenstra (Ed), Electrophoresis, Vol. 25, No. 9, 2004.

Chemical sensors VI: chemical and biological sensors and analytical methods (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-08)
C. Bruckner-Lea, P. Vanysek, G. Hunter, M. Egashira, N. Miura, and F. Mizutani (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (EMCR 2003, 8th Int. Symp. Nieuwpoort, Belgium, May 4-9, 2003)
J. Vereecken (Ed), Electrochim. Acta, Vol. 49, No. 17-18, 2004.

Fuel cell power for transportation 2004 (Society of Automotive Engineers 2004 World Congr. Detroit, MI, March 8-11, 2004, SAE/SP-1827)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2004.

Fuel cells (8th Grove Symp. London, Sept. 24-26, 2003)
P.T. Moseley and D.A.J. Rand (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 131, 2004.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2004 (2nd Int. Conf. Rochester, NY, June 14-16, 2004)
R.K. Shah and S.G. Kandlikar (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2004.

Historical perspectives on the evolution of electrochemical tools (Partially from the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Special Volume 2002-29)
J. Leddy, V. Birss, and P. Vanysek (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Hydrogen: ionic, atomic and molecular motion (Wksh. Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, March 3-8, 2002)
K.-D. Kreuer, J. Maier, and W. Meyer, Solid State Ionics, Vol. 168, No. 3-4, 2004.

Light metals 2004 (From the 133rd Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 14-18, 2004)
A.T. Tabereaux (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2004.

Lithium and lithium-ion batteries (From the 204th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct. 12-17, 2003, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2003-28)
K. Striebel, K. Zaghib, and D. Guyomard (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Microscale separations and capillary electrophoresis (17th Int. Sym. Salzburg, Austria, Febr. 8-12, 2004)
W. Lindner (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A1051, No. 1-2, 2004.

Power sources 19 (23rd Int. Symp. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 22-24, 2003, CD-ROM)
A. Attewell (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2004.

Power sources for transportation applications (From the 204th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct. 12-17, 2003, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2003-24)
A.R. Landgrebe, V.S. Battaglia, T.Q. Duong, Z. Ogumi, A.J. Salkind, I.B. Weinstock, and K. Zaghib (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Power sources modeling (From the 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, May 12-17, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-30)
R.G. Jungst, J. Weidner, B.Y. Liaw, and K. Nechev (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Proton conducting membrane fuel cells III (From the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 20-25, 2002, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2002-31)
M. Murthy, T.F. Fuller, J.W.Van Zee, and S. Gottesfeld (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (5th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2004.

Solid oxide fuel cell (6th European Forum, 2004)
M. Mogensen (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2004.

Solid state ionics: materials for energy conversion and environment, SSI-14 (14th Int. Conf. Monterey, CA, June 22-27, 2003)
T.M. Gur, S.J. Visco, M.M. Doeff, S.M. Haile, J. Schoonman, and S.C. Singhal (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 175, No. 1-4, 2004.

Solid state ionics: high temperature versus low temperature defect chemistry (EMRS Symp. K, Strasbourg, France, May 24-28, 2004)
W. Sitte, J. Fleig, and H.-D. Wiemhofer (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 173, No. 1-4, 2004.

Surface oxide films (From the 204th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct. 12-17, 2003, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2003-25)
V. Birss, L. Burke, A.R. Hillman, and R.S. Lilliard (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2004.

The fuel cell world (Lucerne, Switzerland, 2004)
U. Bossel (Ed), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2004.

The hydrogen energy transition: moving toward the post petroleum age in transportation (From the 9th Biennial Asilomar Conference on Transportation and Energy, Pacific Grove, CA, July 29-Aug. 1, 2003)
D. Sperling and J.S. Cannon (Ed), Elsevier/Academic, San Diego, CA 2004.


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Advances in electronic and electrochemical ceramics (From the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 2005, Ceramic Transactions Vol. 179)
F. Dogan, and P.N. Kumta (Ed), American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH 2005.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells (From the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Jan. 23-28, 2005, Cocoa Beach, FL, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 26, Number 4)
N.P. Bansal, D. Zhu, and W.M. Kriven (Ed), Wiley, New York 2005.

Applications of fuel cells in vehicles (From the Society of Automotive Engineers 2005 World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 11-14, 2005, SAE/SP-1965)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2005.

Corrosion in marine and saltwater environments II (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-14)
D.A. Shifler, T. Tsuru, P.M. Natishan, and S. Ito (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Developments in solid oxide fule cells and lithium batteries (From the106th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis IN, 2004, Ceramic Transactions Vol.161)
A. Manthiram, P.N. Kumta, S.K. Sundaram, and S.-W. Chan (Ed), ACS, Westerville, OH 2005.

Electrochemical micro and nano technologies, EMT 2004 (5th Int. Symp. Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 29 � Oct. 1, 2004)
T. Osaka and T. Homma (Ed), Electrochim. Acta, Vol. 51, No. 5, 2005.

Electrochemical processing in ULSI and MEMS (From the 205th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, TX, May 9-13, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-17)
H. Deligianni, T.P. Moffat, S.T. Mayer, and G.R. Stafford (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Electrode processes VII (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-18)
V.I. Birss, D. Evans, M. Josowicz, and M. Osawa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Fuel cell science and technology (Munich, Germany, Oct. 6-7, 2004)
P.T. Mosely (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 145, No. 2, 2005.

Fuel cells for a sustainable world 2005 (CD-ROM)
European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2005.

Fuel cells in Spain, CONAPPICE 2004 (San Sebastian, Spain, Oct. 13-15, 2004)
J. Soria (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 151, No. 1, 2005.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2005 (3rd Int. Conf. Ypsilanti, MI, May 23-25, 2005)
R.K. Shah, E.U. Ubong, and S. Samuelsen (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2005.

Fuel cell technologies: state and perspectives (NATO Advanced Res. Worksh. Kyiv, Ukraine, June 6-10, 2004, NATO science series II, Mathematics, physics, and chemistry, Vol. 202)
N.M. Sammes, A. Smirnova, and O. Vasylyev (Ed), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2005.

Fundamental understanding of electrode processes, in memory of Professor Ernest B. Yeager (From the 204th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct. 12-17, 2003, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2003-30)
J. Prakash, D. Chu, D. Scherson, M. Enayetullah, and T. Bae (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Impedance spectroscopy for characterization of materials and structures (Int. Worksh. Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 24-28, 2003)
J.R. Dygas and B.A. Boukamp (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 176, Nos. 25-28, 2005.

High temperature corrosion and materials chemistry V (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-16)
E. Opila, J. Fergus, T. Maruyama, J. Mizusaki, T. Narita, D. Shifler, and E. Wuchina (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Light metals 2005 (From the 134th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 13-17, 2005)
H. Kvande (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2005.

Lithium batteries (12th Int. Symp. Nara, Japan, June 27 � July 2, 2004)
Y. Takeda, J. Yamaki, and Z. Ogumi (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 146, 2005.

Polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC (3rd European Forum, 2005, CD-ROM)
European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf, Switzerland, 2005.

Power sources 24 (24th Int. Symp. Brighton, UK, April 18-21, 2005, CD-ROM)
R. Stevens and M. Perrin (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2005.

Simulation of electrochemical processes (Int. Conf. Cadiz, Spain, May 2005)
C.A. Brebbia, V.G. DeGiorgi, and R.A. Adey (Ed), WIT, Southampton, UK 2005.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (6th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2005.

Solid oxide fuel cells, SOFC IX (From the 207th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Quebec City, Canada, May 15-20, 2005, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2005-07)
Vol. 1 Cells, stacks, and systems
Vol. 2, Materials
S.C. Singhal and J. Mizusaki (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2005.

Solid state ionics–2004 (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Nov. 29 � Dec. 2, 2004, MRS Proceedings Vol. 835)
P. Knauth, C. Masquelier, E. Traversa, and E.D. Wachsman (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2005.

Solid state ionics in Japan (30th Symp. Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 1-3, 2004)
K. Eguchi, Z. Ogumi, and M. Kobayashi (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 176, Nos. 31-34, 2005.

Solid state proton conductors, SSPC-12 (12th Int. Conf. Upsala, Sweden, Aug. 15-19, 2004)
J.O. Thomas (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 176, Nos. 39-40, 2005.

Systems with fast ionic transport (7th Int. Symp. Bled, Slovenia, May 5-9, 2004)
M. Gaberscek and J. Jamnik (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 176, Nos. 19-22, 2005.


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Advances in electronic and electrochemical ceramics (From the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, MD 2005).
F. Dogan and P.N. Kumta (Ed), American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH 2006.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells II (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 27, Number 4)
A. Wereszczak, E. Lara-Curzio, and N.P. Bansal (Ed), Wiley, New York 2006.

Applications of fuel cells in vehicles 2006 (From the Society of Automotive Engineers 2005 (World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 3-6, 2006, SAE/SP-2006)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2006.

Batteries (International Battery Association, IBA, Graz, Austria, April 18-22, 2004)
J.O. Besenhard, K.-C. Moller, M. Winter, and R. Yazami (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 153, No. 2, 2006.

Chemical sensors 7 -and- MEMS/NEMS 7 (From the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2006, Cancun, Mexico, ECS Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 10)
G. Hunter, S. Akbar, S. Bhansali, O. Brand, C. Bruckner-Lea, M. Carter, J. Davidson, E. Enikov, P. Hesketh, R. Hillman, C. Kranz, J. Li, R. Maboudian, R. Mukundan, C. Roper, S. Shoji, A. Simonian, and M. Tabib-Azar (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Corrosion and electrochemistry of advanced materials, in honor of Koji Hashimoto (From the 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 16-21, 2005, ECS Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 4)
S. Fujimoto, H. Habazaki, E. Akiyama, and B. MacDougall (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Critical factors in localized corrosion 5: a symposium in honor of Hugh Isaacs (From the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Oct. 29 � Nov. 3, 2006, Cancun, Mexico, ECS Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 31) N. Missert, A. Davenport, M. Ryan, and S. Virtanen (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006. Durability and reliability of low-temperature fuel cell systems (From the 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 16-21, 2005, ECS Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 8)
T.D. Jarvi, H. Gasteiger, and S. Cleghorn (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Electrocatalysis (From the 207th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Quebec City, Canada, May 15-20, 2005, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2005-11)
G. M. Brisard, R. Adzic, V. Birss, and A. Wieckowski (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS 2004 (6th Int. Symp. Cocoa Beach, FL, May 16-21, 2004)
M.E. Orazem (Ed), Electrochim. Acta, Vol. 51, No. 8-9, 2006.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing VII (From the 209th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Denver, CO, May 7-12, 2006, ECS Transactions, Vol. 2, No. 3)
F. Doyle, G. Kelsall, and R. Woods (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Electrode processes (Int. Conf. Szczyrk, Poland, Sept. 15-18, 2004)
P. Kulesza and J. Lipkowski (Ed), Electrochim. Acta, Vol. 51, No. 11, 2006.

Electron transfer in nanomaterials (From the 205th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, TX, May 9-13, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-22)
G. Rumbles, T. Lian, and K. Murakoshi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Electrophoretic deposition: fundamentals and applications II (2nd Int. Conf. Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, May 29 - June 2, 2005)
A.R. Boccaccini, O. Van der Biest, and R. Clasen (Ed), Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 314, 2006.

Fuel cell durability and performance (Washington, Dec. 8-9, 2005)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2006.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2006 (4th Int. Conf. Irvine, CA, June 19-21, 2006)
S. Samuelsen and N.M. Sammes (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2006.

(The) hydrogen cycle � generation, storage and fuel cells (From the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Nov. 28 � Dec. 2, 2005, MRS Proceedings Vol. 885)
A. Dillon, C. Olk, C. Filiou, and J. Ohi (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2006.

Light metals 2006 (From the 135th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Antonio, Texas, March 12-16, 2006)
T.J. Galloway (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2006.

Molten salts XIV (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-24)
R.A. Mantz, P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long, G.R. Stafford, R. Hagiwara, and D.A. Costa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

New carbon based materials for electrochemical energy storage systems: batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells (NATO Advanced Research Worksh. Argonne, IL Oct. 19-24, 2003, NATO ASI Series 2, Mathematics, physiscs and chemistry, Vol. 229)
I.V. Barsukov, C.S. Johnson, J.E. Doninger, and W.Z. Barsukov (Ed), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2006.

New, improved and existing technologies: aqueous and electrochemical processing (Sohn International Symposium)
F. Kongoli and R.G. Reddy (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2006.

Passivation of metals and semiconductors, and properties of thin oxide layers (9th Int. Symp. Paris, France, June 27 - July 1, 2005)
P. Marcus and V. Maurice (Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2006.

Proton conducting membrane fuel cells IV (From the 206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Oct. 3-8, 2004, ECS Proceedings, Vol. 2004-21)
M. Murthy, K. Ota, J.W. Van Zee, S.R. Narayanan, and E.S. Takeuchi (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells V, in honor of Supramaniam Srinivasan (From the 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 16-21, 2005, ECS Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 6)
T. Fuller, C. Lamy, and C. Bock (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells 6 (From the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2006, Cancun, Mexico, ECS Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 1)
T. Fuller, C. Bock, S. Cleghorn, H. Gasteiger, T. Jarvi, M. Mathias, M. Murthy, T. Nguyen, V. Ramani, E. Stuve, and T. Zawodzinski (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (7th proc, Washington, April 2-4, 2006)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2006.

Solid-state ionic devices IV (From the 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 16-21, 2005, ECS Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 7)
E.D. Wachsman, F.H. Garzon, E. Traversa, R. Mukundan, and V. Birss (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2006.

Taiwan small fuel cells symposium
C.-B. Ma (Ed), Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Longtan, Taiwan 2006.

Taiwan SOFC workshop
C.-B. Ma (Ed), Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Longtan, Taiwan 2006.

Thermo and physicochemical principles: special materials, aqueous and electrochemical processing (Sohn International Symposium)
F. Kongoli and R.G. Reddy (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2006.


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Advances in solid oxide fuel cells II (30th Int. Conf. on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL, Jan. 22-27, 2006, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings,Vol. 27, No. 4)
N.P. Bansal, A. Wereszczak, and E. Lara-Curzio (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2007.

Applications of fuel cells in vehicles (From the SEA World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 16-19, 2007, SAE/SP-2098)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2007.

Fuel cell durability and performance (2nd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2007.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2007 (5th Int. Conf. Brooklyn, NY, June 18-20, 2007)
S. Samuelsen and N.M. Sammes (Ed), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2007.

Fuel cell seminar 30 (Honolulu, Nov. 13-17, 2006, ECS Transactions, Vol. 5, No. 1)
M. Williams and K. Krist (Ed),The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 2007.

Fuel cell seminar 2007 (San Antonio, TX, Oct. 15-19, 2007, ECS Transactions, Vol. 12, No. 1)
M. Williams, K. Krist, S. Satyapal, and N. Garland (Ed), The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 2007.

Light metals 2007 (From the Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Orlando, FL, Febr. 25 - March 1, 2007)
M. Sorlie (Ed), TMS, Warrendale, PA 2007.

Materials in clean power systems II: fuel cells, solar, and hydrogen-based technologies (TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Febr. 25 - March 1, 2007)
Z. Yang (Ed), Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA 2007.

Molten salts 15, in memory of Robert Osteryoung (From the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2006, Cancun, Mexico, ECS Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 35)
R. Mantz, H. De Long, D. Fox, R. Hagiwara, G. Stafford, and P. Trulove (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2007.

Multifunctional conducting molecular materials (From the 2005 Int. Chemical Cong. of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Dec. 15-17, 2005)
G. Saito, F. Wudl, R.C. Haddon, K. Tanigaki,T. Enoki, H.E. Katz, and M. Maesato (Ed), The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 2007.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells 7 (From the 212th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Washington, Oct. 7-12, 2007, ECS Transactions, Vol. 11, No. 1)
T. Fuller, H. Gasteiger, S. Cleghorn, V. Ramani, T. Zhao, T. Nguyen, A. Haug, C. Bock, C. Lamy, and K. Ota (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2007.

Simulation of electrochemical processes II (Int. Conf. Myrtle Beach, SC 2007)
V.G. DeGiorgi, C.A. Brebbia, and R.A. Adey (Ed), WIT, Southampton, UK 2007.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (8th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2007.

Solid state ionics-2006 (MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 27 � Dec. 1, 2006)
E. Traversa (Ed), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2007.

The 10th international symposium on solid oxide fuel cells, SOFC-X (Nara, Japan, June 3-8 2007, ECS Transactions, Vol. 7, No. 1)
K. Eguchi, J. Mizusaki, S. Singhal, and H. Yokokawa (Ed), The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ 2007.


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Advances in lithium battery technologies for mobile applications (2nd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2008.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells III (Int. Conf. Daytona Beach, FL, Jan. 21-26, 2007, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings Vol. 28, No. 4)
N.P. Bansal, J. Salem, and D. Zhu (Ed), Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ 2008.

Capillary chromatography and electrophoresis (30th Int. Symp. Dalian, China, June 3-8, 2007)
P. Sandra (Ed), J. Chromatography, Vol. A1188, No. 1, 2008.

Chemical sensors 8: chemical (gas, ion, bio) sensors and analytical systems (From the 214th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 12-17, 2008, ECS Transactions, Vol. 16, No. 11)
R. Mukundan, Z. Aguilar, C. Bruckner-Lea, M. Carter, G. Hunter, N. Miura, F. Mizutani, and Y. Shimizu (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2008.

Electrocatalysis: theory and experiment at the interface (From a Meeting of the Chemical Society, Southampton, UK, July 7-9, 2008, Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, No. 140)
The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 2008.

Electrochemical capacitors and hybrid power sources 2008 (From the 214th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 12-17, 2008, ECS Transactions, Vol. 16, No. 1)
P. Simon, R. Brodd, K. Abraham, K. Kim, M. Morita, K. Naoi, S. Park, V. Srinivasan, W. Sugimoto, and K. Zaghib (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2008.

Fuel cell durability and performance (3rd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2008.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2008 (6th Int. Conf. Denver, CO, June 16-18, 2008)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2008.

Fuel cells vehicle applications 2008 (From the SAE 2008 World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 14-17, 2008, SAE/SP-2167)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2008.

Mini-micro fuel cells: fundamentals and applications (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, July 22 � Aug. 3, 2007, ASI No. 982648)
S. Kakac, A. Pramuanjaroenkij, and L. Vasilev (Ed), Springer, Dordrecht 2008.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells 8 (From the 214th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 12-17, 2008, ECS Transactions, Vol. 16, No. 2)
T. Fuller, K. Shinohara, V. Ramani, P. Shirvanian, H. Uchida, S. Cleghorn, M. Inaba, S. Mitsushima, P. Strasser, H. Nakagawa, H. Gasteiger, T. Zawodzinski, and C. Lamy (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2008.

Solid state ionics (16th Int. Conf. Shanghai, China, July 1-6, 2007)
H. Luo and T.-L. Wen (Ed), Solid State Ionics, Vol. 179, No. 21-32, 2008.

Small fuel cells for portable applications (9th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2008.


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35 Years of chemical sensors - an honorary symposium for Professor Jiri Janata's 70th birthday celebration (From the 215th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, CA, May 24-29, 2009, ECS Transactions, Vol. 19, No. 6)
J. Li, P. Vanysek, R. Brown, C. Bruckner-Lea, D. Hatchet, and M. Josowicz (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2009.

Advanced battery technology 2009 (From the SAE 2009 World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 20-23, 2009, Society of Automotive Engineers Special publication SP-2250)
SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2009.

Advances in electrochemical techniques for corrosion monitoring and measurement (Symp. Norfolk, VA, May 22-23, 2007, ASTM special technical publication 1506.)
S. Papavinasam, N.S. Berke, and S. Brossia (Ed), ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA 2009.

Advances in lithium battery technologies for mobile applications (3rd ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2009.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells IV (32nd Int. Conf. Daytona Beach, FL, Jan. 27 � Febr. 1, 2008, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings, Vol. 29, No. 5)
P. Singh, N.P. Bansal, T .Ohji, and A. Wereszczak (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2009.

Electrochemical process simulation III (3rd Int. Conf. Bologna, Italy, WIT transactions on engineering sciences, Vol. 65)
C.A. Brebbia and R.A. Adey (Ed), WIT, Southampton, UK 2009.

Electrophoretic deposition: fundamentals and applications III (3rd Int. Conf. Awaji Yumebutai, Japan, Oct. 5-9, 2008)
A.R. Boccaccini, O. Van der Biest, and R. Clasen (Ed), Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech, Switzerland, Vol. 412, 2009.

Fuel cell durability and performance (4th ed)
Knowledge Press, Brookline, MA 2009.

Fuel cell science, engineering and technology-2009 (7th Int. Conf. Newport Beach, CA, June 8-10, 2009)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2009.

Fuel cell seminar, 2008 (Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 27-31, 2008, ECS Transactions, Vol. 17, No. 1)
M. Williams, K. Krist, and N. Garland (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2009.

Fuel cell seminar and exposition, 2009 (Palm Springs, CA, Nov. 16-20, 2009, ECS Transactions, Vol. 26, No. 1)
M. Williams, K. Krist, and N. Garland (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2009.

Fuel cells vehicle applications 2009 (From the SAE 2009 World Congr. Detroit, MI, April 20-23, 2009, SAE/SP-2236)
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 2009.

Lead-acid batteries (7th Int. Conf. Varna, Bulgaria, June 9-12, 2008)
D. Pavlov (Ed), J. Power Sources, Vol. 191, No. 1, 2009.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells 9 (From the 216th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Vienna, Austria, October 4-9, 2009, ECS Transactions, Vol. 25, No. 1)
T. Fuller, C. Hartnig, V. Ramani, H. Uchida, H. Gasteiger, S. Cleghorn, P. Strasser, T. Zawodzinski, D. Jones, P. Shirvanian, T. Jarvi, P. Zelenay, C. Lamy, and P. Bele (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2009.

Solid oxide fuel cells 11 (SOFC-XI) (From the 216th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Vienna, Austria, October 4-9, 2009, ECS Transactions, Vol. 25, No. 2)
S. Singhal and H. Yokokawa (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2009.

Solid state ionics-2008 (MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1-5, 2008, Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, Vol. 1126)
E. Traversa (Ed), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2009.


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Advanced battery technology, 2010 (From the SAE 2010 World Congr. April 2010, Society of Automotive Engineers Special publication SP-2277)
A. Masias, N.M. Johnson, and T.P. Bohn (Ed), SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2010.

Advanced fuel cell vehicle applications, 2010 (From SAE 2010 World Congr. April 2010, Society of Automotive Engineers special publications SP-2276)
J.F. Miller and J. Schneider (Ed), SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2010.

Advances in corrosion protection by organic coatings (5th Int. Symp. Cambridge, UK, Sept. 14-18, 2009, Electrochemical Society Transactions, Vol. 24, No. 1)
M.W. Kendig and D. Scantlebury (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2010.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells V (From the 33rd Intn. Conf. on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, January 18-23, 2009, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings V 30, issue 4)
N.P Bansal and P. Singh (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2010.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells VI (From the 34th Intn. Conf. on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, January 24-29, 2010, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings V 31, issue 4)
P. Singh, N.P Bansal, S. Mathur, and T. Ohji (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2010.

Chemical sensors 9 and MEMS/NEMS 9 (From the 218th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, October 10-15, 2010, ECS Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 8)
G. Hunter, P. Hesketh, Z. Aguilar, M. Carter, J. Li, A. Simonian, J. Davidson, A. Londergan, S. Shoji, P. Srinivasan, K. Sundaram, and P. Vanysek (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2010.

Electrochemistry in mineral and metal processing 8 (EMMP 8) (From the 217th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Vancouver, Canada, April 25-30, 2010, ECS Transactions, Vol. 28, No. 6)
F. Doyle, R. Woods, and G. Kelsall (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2010.

Fuel cell chemistry and operation (ACS symposium series 1040)
A.M. Herring, T.A. Zawodzinski, and S.J. Hamrock (Ed), American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 2010.

Hydrogen and fuel cells (From the 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Essen, Germany, May, 2010)
D. Stolten (Ed), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010.

Fuel cell science, engineering, and technology 2010 (Vol. 1-2, ASME 8th Intn. Conf. Brooklyn, NY, June 14-16, 2010)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2010.

Molten salts and ionic liquids 17 (From the 218th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, October 10-15, 2010, ECS Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 7)
D. Fox, R. Mantz, M. Mizuhata, P. Trulove, and H. De Long (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2010.

Nanomaterials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (Boston, MA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 2009, MRS Symp. Proc. Vol. 1213)
Materials Research Society. Warrendale, PA 2010.

Polymer electrolyte fuel cells 10 (From the 218th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, October 10-15, 2010, ECS Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 1)
H. Gasteiger, H. Uchida, V. Ramani, A. Weber, T. Schmidt, T. Fuller, P. Strasser, P. Shirvanian, M. Inaba, M. Edmundson, F. B�chi, D. Jones, C. Lamy, R. Mantz, S. Narayan, R. Darling, and T. Zawodzinski (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2010.

Solid-state batteries (From a Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 5-9, 2010, MRS symposium proceedings Vol. 1266)
Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2010.


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Advanced battery technology 2011 (From Society of Automotive Engineers 2010 and 2011 World Congresses, SAE SP 2310)
SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2011.

Advanced fuel cell vehicle applications, 2011 (From SAE 2011 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 12-14, 2011, Society of Automotive Engineers SP-2309)
D. Jung and J Schneider (Ed), SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2011.

Advances in solid oxide fuel cells VII (From the 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, Jan. 23-28, 2011, Ceramic engineering and science proceedings V 32, issue 4)
N.P Bansal, P. Singh, S. Widjaja, and D Singh (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2011.

Ceramics and composites in extreme environments and for chemical and electrochemical applications (From the 12th International Ceramics Congress, part D, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010)
P. Vincenzini, S.M. Wiederhorn, and P. Colombo (Ed), Trans Tech, Stafa-Zuerich 2011.

28th International battery seminar and exhibit 2011 (Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 14-17, 2011)
Florida Educational Seminars, Boca Raton, FL 2011.

Magnesium technology 2011 (From the 140th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, San Diego, CA, Febr. 27 - March 3, 2011)
W.H. Sillekens (Ed), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2011.

New materials I: advanced fossil fuel energy technologies, hydrogen production and storage, fuel cells, electrochemical energy storage systems (From the 12>sup>th International Ceramics Congress, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 13-18, 2010)
Trans Tech, Stafa-Zuerich 2011.

Next-generation fuel cells--new materials and concepts (From Materials Research Society Meeting Boston, MA, Nov. 29 � Dec. 3, 2010, MRS symposium proceedings vol. 1311)
T. He (Ed), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA 2011.


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Advanced battery technology 2012 (From SAE 2012 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 24-26, 2012, SAE SP 2328)
SAE International, Warrendale, PA 2012.

Aqueous, low temperature & electrochemical processing (Fray International Symposium)
F. Kongoli (Ed), Flogen Star Outreach, 2012.

Electrophoretic deposition: fundamentals and applications IV (From the 4th International, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Oct. 2-7, 2011)
A.R. Boccaccini (Ed), Trans Tech, Zurich-Durnten 2012.

Fuel cell science, engineering, and technology--2011 (Froom Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of ASME, Washington, DC, Aug. 7-10, 2011)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York 2012.

Lecture notes on impedance spectroscopy: measurement, modeling and applications, Vol. 1-3 (International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, 2009)
O. Kanoun (Ed), Leiden, Netherlands 2012.

Molten salts and ionic liquids 2011 (Fray International Symposium)
F. Kongoli (Ed), Flogen Star Outreach, 2012.

Molten salts and ionic liquids 18 (From the 222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, October 7-12, 2012, ECS Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 11)
Reichert, Fox, Mantz, Mizuhata, Trulove, De Long, Ispas, Bund (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2012.

Polymers for energy storage and delivery: polyelectrolytes for batteries and fuel cells (From the 241st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, March 2011, ACS symposium series 1096)
K.A. Page, C.L. Soles, and J. Runt (Ed), American Chemical Society, Washington 2012.

Tutorials on electrocatalysis in low temperature fuel cells (From the 221st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, May 6-10, 2012, ECS Transactions, Vol. 45, No. 2)
T. Zawodzinski, S. Mukerjee, and P. Strasser (Ed), ECS, Pennington, NJ 2012.


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Atomic layer deposition applications 9 (From the 224th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27 � Nov. 1, 2013, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, No. 10)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2013.

Electroanalysis at the nanoscale (Durham University, United Kingdom, 1-3 July 2013, Faraday discussions, V. 164)
Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Division, London 2013.

Electrocatalysis and interfacial electrochemistry for energy conversion and storage (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, V. 1491); November 25-30, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
T.J Schmidt, V. Stamenkovic, M. Arenz, and S. Mitsushima (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2013.

Electrochemical interfaces for energy storage and conversion: fundamental insights from experiments to computations (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, V. 1542)
J., Cabana (Ed), MRS, Warrendale, PA 2013.

Electrochemical synthesis of fuels 2 (From the 224th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27 � Nov. 1, 2013, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, No. 2)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2013.

High temperature experimental techniques and measurements (From the 224thMeeting of The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27 � Nov. 1, 2013, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, No. 3)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2013.


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Atomic layer deposition applications 10 ((From the 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-9, 2014, ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 9)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2014.

Chemical and biological sensors 11 � and - MEMS/NEMS 11 (From the 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-9, 2014, ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 1)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2014.

Molten salts and ionic liquids 19 (From the 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 5-9, 2014, ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 4)
ECS, Pennington, NJ 2014.

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